The Witch’s Chronicle: a History of Witchcraft
By Cerridwen Maeve
A book about the history of witches it is a perfect book for Muggles, children and people with no exposure to witchcraft. This book deals with the history of witchcraft starting All the Way from beginning of time back to the civilizations of Mesopotamia and Egypt were priest in religious workers doubled as magical workers during the day helping people solve their problems . Whereas magic could be seen as a force for good. It could also be seen as a force for evil because if you got one of these magical workers really angry, they could use magic against you. Magic also plays out during the great times as we go much later in two history Hecate was the main goddess of the witches for the Greeks and she’s featured in many mythologies and once again the witch is seen as someone who can do good and someone who can do great evil turns men in the pigs sorcery also had a place in the Roman emperor were magic were called upon to do various things but also at times with craft was condemned and witches were killed basically. The attitude against witches carried over into the times of early Christianity, where we enter into the dark ages. Pagan traditions, often filtered through into the religion, and they were accused of being witchcraft. As you progressed to the middle ages, we have the witch hunts. The most famous of these is the Salem witch trials the Penndel witch Trials And they went across America and Europe. There were known as the burning times influential in these witchhunt was the malleus Mallleus Malificorum Corum. It told the witch hunters how do identify witch and how to hunt for witches. Often times the victims of these witch hunts were elderly women who had property and no other family to protect them so the main thing was against women. Remember that Christianity taught that women were easy targets for the devil they were prone to sin and subject to temptation it was very easy to accuse someone of being a witch. The evidence was often spectrum meaning that there was nothing to back it up, and it was often based on someone’s visions as things progress and science took over and the enlightenment took over people demanded a more rational approach. people were not so suspicious as to be afraid of witchcraft and eventually witchcraft trial subsided, and the laws against witchcraft were repealed. The image of the witch changes over time at first it was an evil person. Then the witch becomes a symbol of resistance of sexuality and a more positive connotations Many different cultures are using their magic as a form of resistance and cultural identification they are trying to resist the pole, the dominant culture to make them erase their culture once again a great book for beginners someone who who is just new to the history of witchcraft and it’s a great children’s book
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