What is sycchromysticism? A new term is somewhat related to synchronicity. Basically, it is drawing of connections in modern culture and finding connections between the collective unconscious and the occult. Basically, synchronicity is a acausal coincidence in which an inner thought becomes a reality. An example might be if you are thinking of a friend and then they call. That could be synchronicity, or it could be precognition. A more solid example of a synch mystic sync is a friend calling you and informing you that your aunt died and left you the estate. In the basement was an occult library. The object of this book is to find synchronicities. That is not always easy. Sometimes what you hear is noise and sometimes you are merely trying to fool yourself. It often comes in waves and is connected to astrology. Sometimes you can pick it out using systems of divination. In the end you realize that everything is interconnected. What we call the mind is not located in the brain but in fact is non-local and outside the mind.
Carl Jung made synchronicity a well-known term. He worked extensively with the I-Ching. While working with this divination he noticed that more coincidences were occurring. This was beyond random chance and from this he deduced that another force was at work making things happen. Many of Jungs patients experienced lots of synchronicity and precognition. What astrologer experienced is not based on planets having powers but rather it was based on synchronicity. Jungs theory caught the interest of Wolfgang Pauli, he defined it like Einstein’s “Spooky Action at a distance” this was a quantum entanglement where subatomic particles behaved differently when observed and formed nonlocal connection that defied old models of Newtonian physics. The two would end up collaborating with each other and learning from one another. This would inspire Aurthur Koestler to write the book “Roots of Coincidence” this would later inspire British Rock Singer, Sting. The concept of Synchronicity does play a role in the Law of Attraction among other New Age movements.
Rituals can influence reality. Some believe like Richard Hoagland who believe that space programs were nothing but Freemason rituals. The thinking is reflected in a book called “Cydonia, The Secret Chronicle of Mars” This would later inspire Gora Adachi to coin the term Sychromysticism. Lately though blogs and other philosophers who were doing Synchromysticism have been quiet.
Humans being communicate via symbols. Words are symbols, signs are symbols. Symbols are how we communicate with each other and the universe. Language tends to deal with specific areas. When we communicate with others we tend to use words and body language. Body language is a misunderstood form of communication.
Syn has three kingdoms. They are personals, the Factuals and the Temporals. The personal sync is when an internal thought or dream is somehow reflected in the real or external world. Factual syncs are when external, even separated by time have eerie similarities. Termporal syncs are when two events are the same in a significant matter. It’s a very exciting concept to explore. Lots of info for a little book.
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