When Time Began
Zecharia Sitchin
Civilization beginin Sumeria. Zecharia Sitchin believes that aliens came from the planet of Nabiru, altered our genetic make up and then taught us the fundamentals of civilization. The main focus of the book is the measuring of time. Where did humans find out about time, calendars and the planets when they primative beings? Why is the number 7 so important to humans? How come we count things based on 6's and 12's.? Simple we got it from the annunaki. Some of the Annunaki had six fingers which would explain why they counted by 6's and 12's. the number 7 is important becauseflyin to earth from outside the solar system one would first encounter Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and then Earth.
There are two types of calendrical measurements, lunar and solar. Different calendrical methods were used at different times. first it was lunar and then solar. Stonehenge appears to be both. Stonehenge which is located in England is comprised of very large stones which ar extremely and not from around the area. Which begs the question how did the early brits get those stones over there. Just no way. Stonehenge is meant to measure equinox's and solstices, how did primatives manage to figure that out? to figure out this dilemna one must look further afield . One logical guess would be Egypt but in Egypt there are no round ciruclar structures composed of stone the way Stonehenge was. going further afield one ends up in Mesopotamia. It is here that one finds a structure similar to Stonehenge. There are similair structures like Stonehenge in Armenia, in Caucasus, and South America. Why are these structures situated so far apart. It seems they must have been built by the same people.
The Annunaki traveled far and wide in their search for tin, gold and other medals. They mined Africa for gold, England and South America for tin. Humans were not advanced enough o build a boat o ship that could make it from the Middle East. Someone more advanced must have been behind it. The author believes that Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing and sciences was the one who was behind the designing of Stonehenge.The author tells his version of how the Annunaki travels from Sumeria to Egypt. He recaps some of the civil wars they had and how they used nuclear weapons against each other. Overall interesting book with some real possiblilies
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