Moon Phases


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Magic From the Hollow Hills

 The Witching Way of Hollow Hill 

by Robin Artisson

What follows is a tour de force into the realm of Traditional British Witchcraft. The book is  loaded with both theory and practical techniques. Of the theory, Traditional Craft is about making a connection with the  hother /underworld. Where is the other world located , why on a different dimension of course. In reality this world and the other world are not two different worlds but rather they are the same world and their separation is only an illusion.n In fact the illusion goes even further. We tend to think of our selves as separate from others and the world when in fact the world and ourselves are actually one. It is part of us and we are part of it. In  physical terms humans and the land are not separate but in fact connected. It is from the land that we get our sustenance and power from . In physical terms it is the land that provides our food, water and shelter. It is also from the land that the witch draws their power from. Drawing power up from the land is a technique that many pagans and witches use. This Drawing up of power works best if your feet are planted on the land. Open yourself to the land around you and clear your mind. Concentrate on the feel o everything, ie the breeze against your skin, the sounds in the atmosphere. Pay attention to the messages from your mind. this will give you the feling of something around you. Your mediation then goes to the ball of power in the earth. Focus on it Breath in deeply with your hands at your sides. As you breathe raise your hands above your head. The light will slowly rise up into your body. Slowly moving up to your chest. It stops around your shoulders.As you breathe out you will see and feel a sphere of light envelope and surround you. Keep breathing and getting power from the earth and nevergiszing your sphere. You should perceive our body as a body of clear light. Finally put your hands back by your sides and allow the energy to return to the earth.

Mortal awareness has it's limits yet immortal awareness realizes the oneness of everything. For us this it is the tests of all tests. It is to join the hidden ones who dwell within the land in the wholeness of awareness. To know the entirety of everything yet still have our fragmented mortal awareness. the universe is constantly growing and expanding according to fate. Chaos tears it apart returning it to it's primordial state. As chaos thrive the ancient titans thrive.  Fate is the force that moves through or decisions. In fact were are not making any decisions rather it is  fate making decsions though us. Our decsions are what make us and not the other way around . The process of how we make a decision  is a combination of factors going back many years ago that act upon the weave of web of our fate. Things that happened in the distant past cause us o make decisions of today. For true enlightenment  we must drop the illusion of free will and separate Ness. When we unite with fate our perception changes and we can be whatever it is we are.

Among the techniques discussed  are the four technique for attaining witch sight. They are the hissing of the serpent, Serpent of the land, Witch sight and the left way road. The first two witch sight and hissing o the serpent are meant to be used together. First you learn them one at a time. The technique and it's details are at times simple yet hard to put into words. It is something you can easily do by reading the book and following the instructions. As the reader can tell everythying is connected o the land.  Kingship is connected to the land. In order for the land to be fruiful and productive it requires a  sacrifice. At first i was the king that was sacrificed yearly.  It was a sacrifice to the dark mother in order to guarantee abundance. As time wore on a substitute was used but given the name of he king. Finaly one was alooweed to use a barly corn doll. These sacrifices contain energy and enough was accumulated to allow the use of substitutes this current day.  times constantly change and living sacrifices are very much illegal and frowned upon by modern day consiousness. The sacrifice becomes a guardian of the land or the place. The sacrifce also acts as a mediator between our world and the other world.

The concept of the dying resurrecting god is based on this concept. When the god dies so does vegetation. During the winter the god rejuvenates in the underworld.  When he is reborn so is vegetation. The book has rituals and techniques. It is a meaty read one that learned from and will use. Enjoy.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Origins of Sumerian Time


When Time Began (The Earth Chronicles)

When Time Began

Zecharia Sitchin

Civilization beginin Sumeria. Zecharia Sitchin believes that aliens came from the planet of Nabiru, altered our genetic make up and then taught us the fundamentals of civilization. The main focus of the book is the measuring of time.  Where did humans find out about time, calendars and the planets when they primative beings?  Why is the number 7 so important to humans? How come we count things based on 6's and 12's.? Simple we got it from the annunaki.  Some of the Annunaki had six fingers which would explain why they counted by 6's and 12's.  the number 7 is important becauseflyin to earth from outside the solar system one would first encounter Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and then Earth.

There are two types of calendrical measurements, lunar and solar.  Different calendrical methods were used at different times. first it was lunar and then solar. Stonehenge appears to be both. Stonehenge which is located in England is comprised of very large stones which ar extremely  and not from around the area. Which begs the question how did the early brits get those stones over there.  Just no way. Stonehenge is meant to measure equinox's and solstices, how did primatives manage to figure that out?  to figure out this dilemna one must look further afield . One logical guess would be Egypt but in Egypt there are no round ciruclar structures composed of stone the way Stonehenge was. going further afield one ends up in Mesopotamia. It is here that one finds a structure similar to Stonehenge.  There are similair structures like Stonehenge in Armenia, in Caucasus, and South America. Why are these structures situated so far apart.  It seems they must have been built by the same people.

The Annunaki traveled far and wide in their search for tin, gold and other medals. They mined Africa for gold, England and South America for tin.  Humans were not advanced enough o build a boat o ship that could make it from the Middle East. Someone more advanced must have been behind it. The author believes that Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing and sciences was the one who was behind the designing of Stonehenge.The author tells his version of how the Annunaki travels from  Sumeria to Egypt. He recaps some of the civil wars they had and how they used nuclear weapons against each other. Overall interesting book with some real possiblilies

Monday, December 9, 2024

10/7 The Day Hamas invaded Israel


By Lee Yaron

October 7, 2023 marks one of the bloodiest days in Jewish History. In the early morning hours of Simchat torah around 2,500 to 3000 terrorists surged into Israel via land , air and sea. The flood of terrorists inundated the Jewish state. Up to 60 communities were over run by hostile terrorists from Hamas and Gazan civilians. The army did not respond until at least 8 hours later. Defense of kibbutzim and communities in the Gaza envelope fell upon the civilian home front. They did a good job holding them off. In all 1,200 Israeli citizens including men, women and children were buthered in th worst possible way. There are still hostages.

How did this happen? Israel has one of the most powerful armies in the world. Civilians runing in fear for there llives recount wondering where the army was. Lot of this was the fault of Israel. For several years prior to the atttack spotters were noting Gazan  actions at the border fence but there reports to there superiors fell on deaf ear.  According to Lee Yaron the spotters were females and the army did not take the word of female too seriously. Plus they were unarmed which made it easier for the terrorists to over run the base and take the girls hostages.

There were other faults of Israel as well. A favorite of the Hamas is rocket attacks. Houses in the Gaza envelope should have rocket shelter but not everyone can afford them.  There were also shelter in the towns but they would not open when the emergency happened. The author , Lee Yaron, takes the story of 100 survivors  and tells their harrowing story of escape and resistance. Many of the stories are obviously about Jews.  These Jews came form a variety of different backgrounds.  She delves into their backgrounds often times revealing the antisemitism they fled only to be slaughtered in Israel.  Other stories are about Bedoins and Israeli arabs who were often shot and killed indiscriminantly alongside there Jewish nationalist and taken hostage as well. Their story is not of antisemitism but often discrimination and uneqal treatment at the hands of Jewish authority in Israel. Other stories involved thai workers or workers from Nepal. There jsut to earn money and learn agricultural skill they were swept up in a conflict they had nothing to do with.

Lee Yaron gives a good description of the conflict telling the reader in stages how everything unfolded. She lets the reader know that both sides play an equal role in the  conflict. Both Palerstinian and Israeli societies have their flaws that needs to be examined. A well written and well rounded book.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Return of the Aztec War Gods


War God : Return of the Plumed Serpent

By Graham Hancock

this is the sequel to Grahman Hancock's first war god novel. taking place in the year 1519. Hernan Cotes and his Coterie have landed in what is today Mexico. The land is in turmoil. Montezuma is gathing virgins for a massive sacrifice to his patron deity the Hummingbird God. Things are getting desperate. Malinal a former slave descended from royalty is now Cortez's interpreter. She was sent there by Huictol a spy against the Aztecs. Cortez nd his 500 conquistadors from Spain make quick mince meat of the mayans at Pontachon. Unhappy with theb lack of gold to be found they are soon directed toward Teonochtilan,  a city rumored to be filled with gold. On his march over to the Aztec capital Cortes does battle and makes alliances with different tribes in the region. The enemies of Cortez are wiped out and the friend will join him in battle against Montezuma.

the Tlascan are hereditary enemies of the Aztec. Over rhe years they have offered staunch resistance. Many of the elders want to join an alliance against the Aztec. Skikotenka the young war chief ses through Cotez's plan and sees that a spanish victory will mean the eradication of his culture. After losing many battles against the Spaniards he is finally forced to join the alliance. The novel is filled with intrigue and internal poltics both amongst the invading Spanish and the Native inhabitant of the land. There is also a chapter on tozi the invisible witch. She goes on a spiritual quest to land of Azatlan in her dreams. It is the source of all magic as she must prepare to battle a Nahuatl, or sorceror.


Holy Morroccan Sage engaged in Prayer

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One blond hair blue eyed Calfornian who totally digs the Middle East.