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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Annunaki Origins of the RH- Bloodline

 Blood Line of the Gods

by Nick Redfern

This book expounds upon the theories set forth by Zecharia Sitchin and Erich Von Donken, in the distant past aliens from another planet visited earth and interacted with humans. Zecharia Sitchin posits that the aliens came from a planet called Nabiru and needed a slave race to mine if for them. Since the igigi or workers from Nabiru were hard to control they decided to genetically alter a proto-human species by giving them some of their own DNA. the aliens did some other experiments wit gene splicing which is why we got minotaurs, centaurs etc. these creatures and aliens gave rise to our mythology.

Gene splicing according to the author may go back hundreds and thousands of years. The first proto human to have their genes altered were the cro magnon people. they seemed to have legends about the stat system the Pleiadis. The bloodline tha is supposedly the product of alien manipulation is the RH - blood type. LOL my mom is O- while I am O+. The RH- is the bloodline they altered so they could take control of this planet and mine it for gold and other resources. The author details that people like the Basque, the Celts and other groups have a higher percentage of RH- in their populations than other groups do.

People with RH- blood have certain health advantages and certain disadvantages. They tend to have a lower blood pressure and heart bea which can be good. If an RH- mother is pregnant with an RH+ baby the mother must take RH+ hemoglobin to prevent her body from making antibodies that would destroy the fetus. Most abductees are RH- and what happens to them after the adduction can be blamed on the curse of having RH- blood.

What is the purpose for the abductions. Many say that the aliens are interbreeding with us to make hybrid being that will one day take over the planet and push the humans out. They are taken up and they have their sperm or ovum taken so it can be spliced with alien DNA. Why tey do this who knows ? It could be that their DNA is weak and it needs ours to strengthen it. Also it could be for a take over. Many such hybrids are no exactly human friendly. Often theyh have malicious intent towards us as evidenced by the Black Eyeed children and the men in black.

Abductions and getting human DNA samples has been going on through out history but it was called by a different name. Going back t Babylonian times we have Lilith who seduces men in their dreams. She heads a class if demons called lilin . They seduce men and get the human DNA from the encounter. Lilin also had male demons in their ranks wh did the same thing o women.. Celtic fairy lore has people being kidnapped by faeries and mating with them. The changeling phenomenom involves the faeries taking a healthy baby and rplacing it with a sick faerie baby.

Why the obsession with DNA. THe author posits that the Annunaki had nuclear wars against each other and that may have weakened their DNA. The author posits that the aliens left after the flood and after they wen t war with each other. A few remained behind.

While I find the Ancient Alien theory very plausible I have a hard time believing certain details that theorists hold dear. I find that humans being the product of gene splicing to be highl unlikely nor do I believe that the planet Nabiru exists. Not enough proof. Seeing technoloy today i we wanted to mine a planet we would use Artificial Intelligence or androids o do the work. Surely the annunaki had the tech for that and assuredy it would be easier and less problematic than creating a slave race. I do find it believable that RH- comes from Aliens. It is possible that humanoid looking aliens settled into our planet after theirs was destroyed or ruined and somehow they were able to breed with the humans already here. Of course the bible has instances of the angels mating with humans only t have the offspring miscarry or be born rather freakish.

My burning question for the author is how did the RH+ blood come about .

Overall good back has many facts to consider with some strength to it's hypothesis.

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One blond hair blue eyed Calfornian who totally digs the Middle East.