October 2023 mraked a turning point for me and how I relate to Israel and the middle east. In fact I think it goes for many Jews and non Jews alike. Many of us felt that the Israeli -Palestinian conflict was one of mutual blame to both sides . I condemned the settlers as well as Hamas. A conflict requires two sides. Israel might do a land grab o make it really tough for Palestinians to move around Gaza or Israel. This of course would raise frustration, hence the rise of terror. I felt that in some instances the Palestinians were right to resist . The suicide bombing and other attacks against civilians were not act of resistance but pure terror aimed at murdering as many Jews as possible. My view has shifted after the brutal attacks of 10/7 and how the hostages were treated to viewing the Palestinians as the main cause of the conflict.
This authoress would staunchly disagree with me, which is not a bad thing. In fact it might be a good thing. I you ever want to find the solution to a problem you need multiple points of view. She is more entitled o her opinion than I am of mine as she has livd though it all first person. She was raised in Brooklyn, New York in the chassidic neighborhood. Brought up a nice religious girl she attended Chinuch where in her teacher named Tomer ran a class on Israel and Zionism. According to her he parroted the company line saying that the state of Israel was all good and the arabs were bad and how it was justified for the Jews or Zionists were entitled to the whole land. they needed it as a safe haven for Jews.
My upbringing was different. Raised in the permissive climes of So Cal. I was raised eating cheeseburgers, bacon and shrimp dinners. My only Jewish education was Hebrew School thre times a wek which did not leave me with a good impression. I did not fully become Jewish until 10 years after my Bar mitzvah. It was there that I was introduced to Israeli education or should say propoganda. Tagar programs and other programs funded by Israel in the Jewish agency often had the feeling that they were trying to make you g impressionable Jews into mouth pieces for Israel. For some it worked and others it did not.
Israel's possession of the land is justified on some major arguments. The first argument states that jews are inherently good and can do no wrong. Whenever Jews hear about a crime o the news sometimes the reaction is . No way could a Jew do something lke that. Of course we are astonished when a jew does commit a crime. Sometimes we are guilty of helping cover it up or lookin the other way. The other argument is that Palestinians are ba people who are out to destroy the jewish people. Of course there is good an bad in everyone. After witnessing October 7 and the joyous reaction of every Gazan I begin to wonder. Anytime Israel is criticized it is chalked up to antisemitism. Let us be frank. Sometimes criticism is justified and other times not. Jews have been one of the most persecuted if not the most in all of history. Cetain levels of mistrust and paranoia can be expected from a group that has gone though so much.
the premise of Zionism is the Jews must live in the historical land of Israel and must have the majority. This is based on our fear of persecution and while it may not be balanced tht is what persecution does to you. This could lead to racism and trying to dehumanze the other. The argument goes that it was a land without a people and the Jews were a people without a land. Perfect marriage, save fo the fact tha people were livin there. When Jews first started settling the land it belonged to the Ottoman empire. Neither Zionist nor Palestinian owned it . The province of Palestine was Ottoman territory.
Like many Jews Elana has had a journey unpacking her religious upbringing and realizing the pain her people have caused others by settling the land and dispossessing Palestinians. In fat her view like many on the Israeli left view it not as a conflict but rather Palestinians resisting a brutl occupation. She has children in the IDF. She is proud of there service and dedication to the people of Israel as the army instills many positive values. At the same time she decries the way the IDF is forced to treat Palestinians in an inhumane fashion. She also decries the way the government wantonly uses teh soldiers for political ends without safeguarding there welfare.
While I do not share this author's view at the moment. I still feel it is an important work. It is a book that talks back to the culture that the author was raised in. Yes it is important to question your culture an analyze where it is right or wrong. Israel has a lot of work to do, as do other countries. Women need more empowerment, there is racism in Israel and it is not against just Arabs but also against other Jews. The right wong and the left wing are at each others throats. The country s divided and Netanyahu miht be the biggest dividing factor.
Elana's unpacking has caused her to reach out to other organizations where in Palestinians and Israelis try to help eah other and share there pain. It teaches how to dialogue and hold space for the other one ho is on a different side. Such wok is important. After all this conflict is said and done we will be returning to the negotiating table and we will be talking and empathizing with the other. Then this work will be of much more importance.