Master of Self-Realization: An Ultimate Understanding by Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Got this book from the kindle loan library. I thought it was written by Saghuru. It was not. Very sublime Hindu spirituality how much of it is useful well that is up to the reader. Most of what is written down seems to be lectures that have been written down.
Starting with our birth our existence is fragile and subjective. We tend to want to gather things to ourselves like money, family and all sorts of material things. This caused by the illusion that we are out body. The self realization that is written here tells us that our identity is not our physical body. It is just a meat suit that we use to wander about this world. According to Hindus we have four bodies. The first is our physical body , the second our mental body, third the causal body and finally Turya. In fact we are none of these bodies and to overcome these illusions puts us in a special spiritual state. Who are we really? We are Brahman the supreme god. He is the creator of all and is all. Everything, including us is Brahman. Even the gods are Brahman. The separate identities are just illusions. One can see some parallels in Kabballa.
This is the world of Maya or illusion. Nothing in this existence is real. We chase riches in vain. Our bodies ache and pain while we chase riches that only bring us misery. Desire is the root of suffering. Do not be taken in by spiritual powers the decisive and take away the quest of enlightenment and attach us to this worldly existence. Imagination makes things worse. We think things of I'll fortune will.blow our way. This is all in our imagination and that makes things worse
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