Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Town Crier

FATWA: Hunted in AmericaFATWA: Hunted in America by Pamela Geller
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

When it comes to the issue of terrorism, especially Islamic terrorism, there is a divide between the leftist liberals and the conservative right. The right calling groups exclaiming that the main motivation for these terrorist is their religious scriptures and that Islam is a religion of violence.on the left's pundits will say it is a result of American policy or poverty. Recently there were stories in the news about ISIS brides that wanted to come back to the states. I say no way, the leftist have other opinions. This my drift toward the right.
Pamela Geller has her moment of awakening after 9/11. It was then that she realized that the followers of Islam wanted to overtake the world and that the Muslims here have no intention of adapting to our way of life. I would say in part that I disagree, there are Muslims that do not wish to assimilate to our way of life, but it is the fanatics that we must worry about.
Sighting three instances of honor killing, Pamela Geller goes on in some detail about how she was killed and how the authorities bungled the investigation out of fear for offending Muslims. Pamela Geller wanted to set up a gravestone for Aqsa Parviz but the family and local Muslim community and the family out up road blocks. They finally put up a plaque for her in Jerusalem and one in Canada. Rifka Berry wanted to convert from islam to Christianity. Her family threatened to kill her. She was only safe in a pastor's house. Rifka did not go home she was sent to a juvenile detention center. Another woman named Jessica Sodeghay was brutally murdered By her step father. Honor killing are usually done if the daughter dishonored the family. They are happening and the authorities are not handling it correctly. The press is silencing it for fear of offending the Muslim community in general. In fact it is in Pamela Gellers view that the left and part of the right have been co opted by the Muslims. In fact the system.had been compromised.
Heller goes on to narrate how different conservative convention won't book her or hear her views because they fear she is too Islamophobic. Others like her state she is speaking the truth.The ultimate truth might lye somewhere in between. Truth be told she is being blacklisted and prevented from speaking and expressing her self. Transit authorities will not let her advertisements go up . Some of these ads promoted Israel, helped people leave islam and were some times critical of Islam. But the other side is just as bad if not worse. That is just hypocrisy.
On Facebook it is especially true anti Israel and antisemitism flourishes and social media does nothing is done about it. Criticise a terror group and you are off. Pamela Heller maintains that Islam has values that are not compatible with Western society, but then again so do all religions. It is fanatics like al quaida, Isis, Hezbollah and Hamas that represent the threat. Most Muslims want nothing to do with these guys. But Saudi money funds their mosques with the help of several organizations like CAIR. Their followers get in. While most Muslims are peaceful why was isis able to storm across Iraq and Syria genociding the region's Christians and Yezidis?

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