The Girl Who Escaped ISIS: This Is My Story by Farida Khalaf
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Life in the Yazidi village of Koch’s was close to idyllic. Surrounded by a loving family , Farida led an ideal life. During the day she helped out with the chores and played with her friend. Her father who was in the Iraqi military taught her how to shoot a weapon. In autumn they would visit the village of sin jar and go to Lalish for spiritual pilgrimage. Farida was a math expert and the top of her class. All that would change in the most drastic of ways.
What started out as a Jihadist rebellion in Syria soon spread to Iraq. It was amazing how easy it was for ISIS to come into Iraq and take over entire cities without the Iraqi army doing anything. Soon city after after city fell and her village Koch’s was overrun by ISIS fighters with black flags perched on every roof. Life changed drastically.
In a scene that could could have come out of the Armenian Genocide, ISIS fighters walked into the village along with Muslims from neighboring villages and at first told people to hand over their valuables and then later their guns. The ultimatum came when Daesh told them to accept Islam. Most refused. The men were carted away and shot somewhere outside of the village. The young girls were then hauled off to different slave markets.
Farida was sent first to Raqqa and then to an oilfield south of Der Azore. Farida and the other girls were continually abused and assaulted in the worst possible ways. After numerous escape attempts and attempts at suicide she finally was able to break free. Breaking thro0ugh an unlocked backdoor and armed with a cell phone, Farida contacts a relative in Germany with a stolen cell phone and a smuggler gets hear over the border to Iraq. She end up going to GErmany and becoming a Math teacher.
These monsters in ISIS are not real Muslims and they have no knowledge of Islam. Even the Yezidi captive knew more about Islam than they did. ISIS fought against other Jihadis from/other organization. They persecuted other Muslims who were not religious , Shia and Christians. There is a difference between Jihadi and Muslim. Fanatics are a threat to humanity regardless of their color or religion.
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