Moon Phases


Friday, July 19, 2024

Training Your Kajira

 Kajira Handbook

By Maste Vadim

John Norman has written 38 books in the gor chronicles. The novels have spawned a way of life and a lifestyle for a select few who choose that path. Gor is another planet in our solar system that is at the opposite side of the solar system hence we can never know of it. One day Carl Talbot is swept away to that world. Gor is a world where men are macho warriors and women are either free or slaves to their men. A female slave is called a kajira. Kajiras are under total control of their masters. their main function is to please. Now bear in mind Gor is a fictitious planet nd their way of life would be differnt from ours.

To start off the kajra needs to learn the basic position to take before her master. The slave postions are Nadu, Bara, Sula and Lesha. The Nadu position has the kajira kneel on the ground with her legs apart hands on each thigh open with palms up.  Bara position has The slave to lay facedown upon the floor, forehead lightly touching the floor, legs straight with ankles crossed and wrists crossed at the small of the back "Bara, Kajira!" he said. She rolled quickly to her stomach, placing her wrists behind her, crossed, and crossing her ankles, ready to be bound. The Sula position , a slave lays upon her back, her hands at her sides, palms upward, her legs widely spread, to await her Master's pleasure. The first Obeiscance  is when the Kajira's Master enter the room. In this position the Kajira will kneel and, bending forward, will place her head to the floor with her palms down on either side of her head. This position is to be held until the Master indicates or He instructs her to assume another position. The second Obeiscance has the kajira lie on her belly. the bara position has the kajira lay on the floor with her head turnedn to the left while her hands and feeel are crossed ready to be bound. The Lesha position is to be assumed when the master wishes to bind or collar his kajia.

On the world of Gor slaves are identified by a branded K on their thigh. Obviously here on earth we do not brand so people may decide to use tattoes.  The slave collar identifies who the slave belongs to. There are protocol on how a kajira must do things. In public she should be collared and brought to heel meaning that she walks three steps behind her master to the left. She should walk in a sensous manner and not demy her feminine beauty. Kajiras at times will be made to crawl. They must do so with their hind quarters high in the air and be sensual abou it.

Submission in the gorean sense is different from your garden variety kink. No so much emphasis on spanking and other sensual acts. pleasuring her master is important but there is much more emphasis on obedience and control. A kajira will gratify her master by walking in an alluring way. The slave dance is a slow motion dance where the kajira moves in differnt positions showing of the perfection of her body. A kajira must also know how to cook, clean and keep house. At times she will be called upon to give her master a massage. For belly dancing, I would recommend Amira Abdi, Oxana Bazaeva and Samira Zopunyan as good examples of gifted dancers. For tribal fusion dancing, I would suggest Yana Kremneva of the Kremushka dance company.

There ar several dances in the kajira repetoire. They are the belt dance, contrition dance, Sa Ela dance, Need Dance, Tether dance and the whip dance.   For music I suggest is The Masters Of Belly Dance Music. This will give you a good first exposure to a number of artists and styles of traditional music. If you should be seeking a fusion of belly dance and modern music, I would highly recommend a band by the name of Beats Antique. Of course, you are not limited to belly dance music alone; there are many different genres of music that can be used for slave dance. I have enjoyed slave dance performances that used music from artists as eclectic and varied as Dead Can Dance, Loreena MacKinnett, Peruquois and Trio Bulgarka to name but a few. All of these forms of music are vastly different from each other, yet all can work well with slave dance.

In terms of domestic service a kajia should be able to prepare food fix and mend clothing. There are protocols for serving the master wine and food. Many things are covered in this book both for  potential kajira and someone who wants to train a kajira. It is a nice short little read. I found it to be short , concise and to the point. A strength. Wish it coud have been a bitn longer. The book would benefit greatly from illustations and pictures to give better understnding of what Gorean clothes look like and what the various kajira postions look like.

Monday, July 15, 2024

King Solomon's Demon's

 The Demons of Solomon

By : Michael Ford

Goetia refers to demons. Ceremonial magicians will work with angels and demons. Original works of this nature were the greater and lesser kings of Solomon. Now contrary to popular belief King Solomon did not write this grimoire. The reason we can tell that this grimoire comes in at around the birth of christianity and maybe later. There are references to greek and roman demons. It is impotant to note that the Christians deomionized the old gods and made them wicked.   For example,   Asmodeus has the origins in the Avestan name, “aeshma”, from the Bronze Age male warrior-cults and tribes known as “Mairya”, “Maryanu” or Vedic “Marya”.      The grimoire tells the reader who the deon is and gives over a description of what the demon looks like, via illustration and tels what it's job function is. At the end of the description there is a ritual one can do to contact the demon.

As the biblical legend goes King Solomon was tasked with building the great temple in Jerusalem. His father king  David could not do it as he had too much blood on his hand. To build the temple King Solomon recieved a ring with whih to control the demons and ultimately seal them away in containers once he was through with them. Seems cruel but these demons could wreak havoc on human life. Not that it is one hundred percent cool right now.

Normnally one conjurs deities for favors. The goal of the left han path it apotheosis or becoming more divine and increasing oour competence. Apotheosis is more life absorbing the qualities of the demon you desire  The Left hand Path or Luciferianism is about making yourself godlike. I increases individuality. I have taken the liberty of putting some highlites into the review. Lucieferianism has a holy trinity but it is different from that of Christianity. There trinity is this Will, Desire and Belief . these three things are needed to make magic works. Luciferianism also liberates one from traditional magic practices that bind up our effectiveness. Here is what Luciferianism says about some of the things that we think make our magic stronger. No spells, ritual actions, chants, hymns, invocations including the trappings of planetary times, methods and “traditions” hold any power or substance for the Luciferian.    It is not the physical tools or items used in ceremonial magick which provide power: it is the simultaneous unity of Will, Desire and Belief with the disciplined mastery of self-confidence.These are tools of the expression of imagination, design and simultaneous unity of Will, Desire and Belief. Do not invest passion in the process or tools, seek Gnosis from the total invest of this Triad of the Morning Star, supported by the Four Pillars of Luciferianism:  the four pilars of Luciferianism are WISDOM, POWER, BALANCE, STRENGTH.  Theb ultimate goal of Luciferianism is liberation, illumination and Apotheosis. Liberation means giving us freedom to think independently. Illumination is gaining wisdom and insight. Apotheosis is gaining characteristics of gods or demons. What good are demons you ask.  They did teach mankind certain sciences and skills.  Beelzeboul in Luciferianism has long been recognized as the patron King of Demons who inspires divination, healing, knowledge and practice of the Black Artes (Magick) and summoning the spirits to with discipline, compel and enhancement of the energy and focus of the Ceremonial Magician.

Left handed spirituality is not all about light and love. Pain and Pleasure rotate on the same wheel. Lix Tetrax and other Solomonic demons under the regal authority of Beelzeboul, are supporting evolution, change, cultural enhancement by overcoming challenge and struggle. While peaceful bliss and a supposed ‘meek’ character is the ideal, stasis creates entropy and devolution. The Adversary does bring terror, chaos, destruction and death, this power also inspires creation, overcoming challenge, obstacles and the Will to Power seeking to master this world. Luciferians flourish by the strength of will and the discipline of our mind.

the Will of the Luciferian must confront and compel (and often devour) the energies of those who challenge.

Friday, July 5, 2024

A Tale of Two Divine Lovers


Loki and Sigyn

By Leah Svendsen

Loki, the joutnheim half adopted brother of Odin. Make a toast to Odin and you have to make one for Loki.  This adopted giant has never been widely reverred both historically and in the present. However , in recent times that has been changing. Afterall Loki is the one who will lead Ragnarok the final war of the gods. Loki both creates and makes trouble for the Aesir or the Gods of the air. He also finds solutions for them as well. As a joke he shaves of Skadi's golden blond hair and makes her bald. Since she is thor's wife,  Thor demands that he fix it. So of to the dwarves he goes. Going to two different clans he proposes a contest. This brings many gifts to the Gods and a toupee for Skadi but in the end Loki gets his mouth sewn shut. Another time someone steals thor's hammer. Loki dresses himself and thor up as females with the intention of marrying the person who stole it. they get the hammer back. Loli is a trickster god to say the least.

the God's are not all good and not all evil. Rather they are much like us with both good point and bad points. Hard to tell them at times from the Giants and other huge larger than life beings. In fact they even marry giants. Loki as the trickster often gets into trouble. Often times it seems he is treated more harshly than he deserves to be treated. the punishment does not fit the crime. Many times his tracks produce ifts for the gods. Once when the gods needed a wall around Asguard they promised a wall maker Freya's hand in marriage if he could complete the wall by a certain date. Freya was not happy about this. The Goddess of Love and War was too independent fo that. So Loki shape shifts into a female horse and causes the wall makers horse to runaway . He does not complete the wall in time. He gives birth o the eight legged Sleipner.

Loki can be a gender bender at times being a woman and at others a man. Despite his craziness he is the perfec deity to create a safe space for the LGBTQ folks.

He has had numerous children from different mates. With Anngrboda the forest giant he had Fenris, Jorgemonder and Hela.  Hela is queen of the underworld, Fenris is a giant wolf who eats Tyr's hand as they try to subdue it. And Jorgemonder is the midgard serpent. With Sygin he had Narvi and some other child. Of course when Loki calls out the gods at a feast, his son is killed and Loki is tied to a rock with his son's entrails while a serpent drips poison into his eyes.  The loving Sygin holds a bowl to stop the poison from going into his eyes.

The book gives a strong overview of both the rise of Heathenry and the most recent honoring of Loki and Sygin. heathenry itself is not monlihic like the major monotheistic religions appear to be, there are Odinist, Uraglawe and rokkatru. The final chapter give characteristics and traits of the deities and rituals in chapter six to honor them. The rituals are self growth rituals mostly with some honoring of holidays. perfect for those new to Loki and heathenry. Wish the rituals would go deeper then the typical self growth rituals.


Holy Morroccan Sage engaged in Prayer

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One blond hair blue eyed Calfornian who totally digs the Middle East.