Monday, March 7, 2022

Where are We From?


In school we were taught that man evolved on this planet and was descended from hominids. The first human appear around 100 thousand to 300 thousand years ago and it was not only 10 to 12 thousand years ago that we began making civilizations. All that’s sounds really good but.....

If man evolved on this planet first from apes and then later from hominids like homo erectus and homo hibilis then that would mean our entire evolution happened on this planet that we should be so well adapted that we should not have the sicknesses that we have. The author states that humans are too fragile for like on earth and that we are the least well suited organisms to survive. We have sickness that the other animals do not have. We have higher rates of cancer, and other sicknesses that other animals do not seem to have. Our skull shape is different than tha of other hominids. They also have thick eyebrows to protect them from the sun. Other animals have a membrane that protects their eyes from the sun but we humans do not have them.

Archaeology is finding anomalies that are throwing the timeline askew. Artififacts like tin cups or hammers are found buried in rock formations millions of years old or at least before mankind was know to exist either on earth or in that area. In other words the archaeology is older than mankind. How can that be and how did it get there? Good question.

Dr. Ellis Silver seems to believe that aliens deposited us here on this planet at different intervals over time. Some of the population made it and some did not. His speculate that they may have put us here as part of a prison planet. Or they were putting us here because there planet was dying or it was an experiment. Not sure if I buy the whole alien theory. I mean why would they go to the trouble to alter our genes so we could live her especially if this was a prison planet?

HE also believes that our government is working with different types of aliens and that so0me species maybe harmful to us while others are beneficial.

The theory has some strong points. The universe or space is too large for there not to be life on other planets. High probability they checked our planet out. But them creating us or splicing our genes or having them work with our governments then where is the proof? No smoking gun.

True we are more fragile than most animals but there are animals who get sunburned, get cancer and experience some of our other ailments. Do not think that is extraterrestrial .b Interesting theory but I have to say no dice.

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