Friday, March 11, 2022

Divine Energy

Energy is required to build things and get stuff accomplished. Energy is needed to live, eat, and breathe. Many of us try to acquire energy to do more things and make accomplishments by improving our nutrition or imbibing caffeinated beverages. But nutrition is not the true source of our energy. The true source of our energy is God or as others call him Allah, Jesus, and a slew of other names. Since this book was written by a rabbi, they tend to call God as Hashem. Hashem literally means the name. So, the divine is our source of energy.

God gives us energy by shining divine light down on the earth. There are times when Hashem brings down some extra energy for people to accomplish something massive. When this energy is present then people can accomplish all sorts of things. The trick is to use it wisely. The author uses the Holocaust as an example. Hashem sent down extra energy so the Jewish people could end their exile. Instead the Jewish people used their energy to sin more and become assimilated. Since the energy was not used wisely the enemies of the Jewish people used it against them.
There are ways to access this energy. The way to do it is through doing things like mitzvot which basically translated as commandments. Good deeds and prayer. The author elucidates several other topics in this concise 47 page book. He instructs the reader on the four levels of Torah study and the different emanations of manifestation.
Our soul is who we are it is the soul made of light that receives divine energy. The body we inhabit which is a vehicle to move in this world inhibits that light. The author gave a good lesson on empaths, those individuals who feel what we feel. They are sensitive to energy.
This book is highly recommended if you are into metaphysics, Judaism or just metaphysical Judaism

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