Monday, December 9, 2019

Drug Addicts Do What Though wilt

Diary of a Drug Fiend (Illustrated)Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Drugs like cocaine and heroine can I have an immense impact on individuals and their families. I should know as I have had family member lose their battle to drugs. By and large cocaine and heroine are not drugs that you can normally control/ but rather they control you. Crowley himself was addicted to heroine. None the less this is still a work of fiction.

The story or diary begins with Peter Pendragon being released from the Air Force after a major world war. His uncle leaves him lots of money. One evening he goes to a a fancy resturaunt/nightclub where he get introduced to Lou , his future wife and cocaine. The man doing the introducing is King Lamus who people have mixed emotions about . Lou is a great singer and she immediately captures Peter’s heart . The cocaine makes him feel exhilarating as there is nothing that can stop him. After there marriage they take a honeymoon in France then in Italy.

In France he and his wife get into heroine. It takes the edge off the coke. It also helps them keep focused. When it comes to heroine though things soon dissipate into self loathing and neglect . Heroine addicts don’t bathe and their clothes are often unkempt. Due to impurities they tend to age prematurely.

But this book is not about drug addiction or the dangers there of. This is a book about Magick and spirituality. King Lamus takes the couple too the abbey of Thelma where they learn about spiritual developement and finding and doing their true will.

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