Thursday, November 28, 2019

Amalgamation of Chaos and Tantra

Ultraculture Journal: Essays on Magick, Tantra and the Deconditioning of ConsciousnessUltraculture Journal: Essays on Magick, Tantra and the Deconditioning of Consciousness by Genesis P-Orridge
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jason Louv is fantastic. At a young age he is written some books and put out his own compilation which is what I am reviewing. Granted i read one of his works earlier and liked it even better. What transpired in this compilation is a mixture of magic stores and travelogues through different lands. Many of the spiritual world deal with Tantra and Chaos Magick.
Travels in India are typical. Backpackers go through places like Kathmandu,Nepal,Kashmir and other places in India. Saddhus or holy saints are everywhere. Having renounced the material world they shift their focus toward the spiritual. Practically naked ,dressed in rags and covered with ash these holy men rely on donations. Some great Saddhus spout some great spiritual knowledge. These Saddues make great psychological role models in their understanding of the mind and how it creates our reality. “Nothing can trouble you but your own imagination,” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj wrote in I Am That. When talking about magic k Jason does a nice job of doing away with conspiracy theories and how we have become divided as a result. We did it for them. It was not done to us. The biggest conspiracy, after all, is perpetrated by all of us, when we agree to be afraid of each other, to separate ourselves into subgroups by belief and inclination. Ultimately we are the only ones who can do it to ourself. We are our own god. Real magic happens when you drop the bullshit and remember that you’re God. Just like everybody else. No ritual required.
God is not some thing outside yourself. Rather as the old saying goes , God lives within. We are God among God. There is not a being you can meet, from the lowest vibrations to the highest, that is not God also, and worthy of your respect. God is at play with God, a dazzling field of consciousness for you to remember yourself in. Since i am my own god and everyone is their God it would make sense to adapt a policy of live and let live. The ultimate path to freedom comes from this revelation. When you stop trying to make decisions for others, stop trying to control them, or save them, then they cannot make decisions for you. And then you’re free, to express your essence as you will.
Perhaps the biggest trap our thought processes and spirituality has ensnared us in is the need to improve our selves morally and intellectually. Now it is not a spiritual challenge to grow in either one really it is a matter of effort. The evolution of man is not the intellectual and moral betterment of all. It is the liberation from measured time.
Here is one gem I plucked from the book, it is an invocation to Choronzon.
Through the pearl of inverted synthesis; Do I STIR AND CREATE thy Nether Might! By the inexorable midnight sun oblivion, Poised on the edge of Anthrax Horizon; Do I CALL FORTH AND INVOKE thy Nether Might! With the wicked blade, forged of the triumphant Aphex Loa! Do I WIELD AND ENACT thy Nether Might! To the annihilation of the love supreme ingested within the tunnel of agape; Do I BECOME thy Nether Might! The dawn of light calls forth by the essence of chaos. By the waters of Nether Night is the EGG supplanted in the mind. WE come beyond the edge; infinity. Through the pearl of inverted synthesis; Do I STIR AND CREATE thy Nether Might! By the inexorable midnight sun oblivion, Poised on the edge of Anthrax Horizon; Do I CALL FORTH AND INVOKE thy Nether Might! With the wicked blade, forged of the triumphant Aphex Loa! Do I WIELD AND ENACT thy Nether Might! To the annihilation of the love supreme ingested within the tunnel of agape; Do I BECOME thy Nether Might! The dawn of light calls forth by the essence of chaos. By the waters of Nether Night is the EGG supplanted in the mind. WE come beyond the edge; infinity. Hail Choronzin

This book will take you to high of monastery in the Himalaya all the Way to the lows of a magical working in a basement. Remember the words of guru are horse pucky, be your own Guru.

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