Monday, August 5, 2024

The Danger of the black Eyed Kids

Danger At Your Door Encounters with Black Eyed Children

By Gemma Jade

 Entities of evil. It is nightime and two children approach your car or knock at your door. As you approach them you find yourself caught between two different feeling. One is a dreadful fear that something is pure evil an these ids are malevolent. The other feeling is a compulsion like your hand has lost all voluntery control and you are opening the door against your will. the kids will say they are lost, need to use your phone or your toilet. Only one of them will speak. If you do not give in to their demands they will sport an angry tone with you. Dont let them in.

The book ish ort and concise in it's way of dealing with the black eyed children. The chapter are filled with stories of people who have had encounters with these evil beings.  Most people recount frightening circumstances. Besides the fear and dread they continually bang on their door if they do not get their way. then when you are about to call the police they suddenly disappear. What are these being? There is some speculation that they are vampires because they need your permission in order for them to enter your domain and they appear to feed off of energy. they could also be demonic or could be alien human hybrids. to be aware of them or to speak of them gets you on their radar. Once that happens the can keep coming after you. Many UFO abductees also get visits from the black eyed kids.

Often times when people encounter these beings they will find that their speech is funny and they have clohes that are from a different time and place. there  are also white eyed kids as well.  this is a fast entertaining read . Hope you enjoy.

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