Monday, April 22, 2024

Exploring the Final Frontier

 The Final Frontier

By Dr. Heather Lynn

Exploring space is the call of the times. Our future is out there as maybe our past. The UFO phenomena is gaining momentum as interest increases and more witnesses come forward. Another aspect of space exploration is Xenoarchaeology. What is that basically it is stydying the remnants left behind by other alien species on other planet.  In reality though we have not gotten there yet. We have sent manned missions to the moon and sent out a bunch of deep space probes. We have the rover on Mars bringing us pictures of the planet surface. We are still a ways away.

We are still lookingn for other planets that mightb able to maintian life that are in the goldilocks zone of their star. There are a couple of ways we can find out about  these planets. One way is though radio waves sometimes we send them out hoping for contact and other times we are scanning for their existence. Another way is to detect for markers of life. A planet that has life will have certain markers. there are cetin gasses and water that will be in the atmospher and phosphines.  If a civilization is advanced that wil hav evidence of industrial pollution and light pollution.

Omuamua was an oblong object that entered into our solar system from interstellar space. It passed through our solar system and then exited. there has been speculation about what i exactly was. There has ben speculation that it was a probe sent to observe us and there has been speculation that it was technological debris left behind by an advanced alien civilization. Hence another way we can explore an extinct alien civilization.

A final methodn involves psychic power or remote veiwing. Rather controversial and kind of sketchy. They say that the KGB and CIA have used remote viewing to spy on other countries and with some effectiveness.

However the issue is of verification . You have to be able to probe that something is real.  Xenoarchaeolgy is in it's early stages. Eventually we will find an alien civilization or we will find a planet that has the remnants of an alien civilization. We have to b careful not to jump to conclusions. It is easy to see what one wants to see. When nwe have proof it iwill also open up a pandora's box of societal changes and issues.

The tuth is out there. 

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