Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Science Behind the Legend of Big Foot

 Out in the forests of America, especially on the West Coast there exists a very hairy and large biped.  Native Americans call it sasquatch, popular vernacular identifies the beast as Big Foot. It's existence is very difficult to prove as no one has ever produced a corpse or brought in a live specimen. The Only evidence produced is scat, footprint and some very questionable hair samples. Large hairy ape like creatures are found all over the world. In the Himalayas you have the Abominable Snowman or the Yeti. Since Sasquatch's existence is so hard to prove the author strives to do that using science.

As mentioned earlier there are no physical specimens in captivity. Just cause a live one has not been caught does not mean that it does not exist. Many animals exist but canot be kept in captivity. Of course we have all seen footage of great white sharks which cannot be kept in captivity. Yet scientists are discovering new species daily.  Bigfoot is elusive. Few people have seen him and when they come forward they are often ridiculed our someone says that they have mistaken it for some other animal out there. The Photos and videos that are produced are often labeled as hoaxes and experts will find something wrong with it. The pictures oten times do not produce a very clear image.  Bigfoot remains have not been found either. Of course it is hard to find skeletal remains of animals that we know do exist. The skeletons disappear or rot away very quickly . Over all the places where these giant hairy ape like creatures have been found , very few remains have been found.

Native American legends describe the Sasquatch as a tribe of beings who used to kidnap their women and even mate with their women. Sometimes these monsters would even eat people. Sasquatch appears to be omnivorous. Giganticus pithicus appears to be a distance ancestor of the Big Foot and he lived in Southern China. The author makes the case that Giganticus Pithicus traveled nothward due to climate changes  until it reached Siberia from Siberia it crossed teh Bering Streit into America.

The main evidence the author focuses on are the foot prints and the Patterson Gimli film showing big foot running accross a sand break. It has generated controversy. Many of the footprint were found in very out of the way places where very few people dare to venture.  To call these foot prints a hoax missing the point as to why a hoaxer would hang out in some desolate area and pretend to be big foot. The author goes examinations of the films and foot print.  While nothing is conclusive the things is not human.

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