Friday, December 29, 2023

Realm of the Annunaki


the Land of the Watchers

By Dr. Heather Lynn

  In the ast few years there has been rather an intense amount of interest in the middle east. Skipping past the Gaza incident we look at American involvement in Iraq. After all Mesopotamia was the land o theAfter all Mesopotamia was our first civilization. It was the land of the watchers.  The watchers werer the Annunaki or the ones who came from heaven. It was the first civilization ever and a giant leap from hunter gatherers. Hunter gatherers can build temple complexes and simple dwelling but they could not build complex cities with a modern buracracy that takes care of all society's needs. No one knows where the annunaki came from. The Sumerians left behind several documents in Cuneiform. One of them was the "Tablet of Destinies"

The real reason why Iraq is of such interest is not because of the oil. There are other factors at play. Those factors are archaeology and documents. While ISIS was ravaging Syria and Iraq they also raided the museum and destroyed many ancient Mesopotamian artifacts. They knew what they were going after. They had expensive ear pieces and chose their target of destruction carefully. Why destroy this stuff and who sent these guys. The main interest is in the artifacts and documents. When people destroy archaeology you are cutting off humanity from it's origins. Why would they want to do that? There is something they do no want us to know.

As relics are destroyed or bought out by private collectors our access to the truth is cut off. To learn the history we have to ask and be dependent on so called experts. There is something they are trying to hide what is it? Humanities origins? After all they suppressed the book of Enoch. Technology? If they were aliens wouoldn't you want it. then there are the kings lists. this is what everyone is after . The names of kings and how long they lived. Many billionaires believe they are descended from Ancient Mesopotamian families.

Society is meant to serve people but it also controls them. Rulers set up institutions t promote their ideology. they tell us what we want. As Dr. Lynn went pursuing the bread crumbs she met retired professors nd UFO nuts. She was also followed by one of these rich families and taken to their head quarters with a bag over her head. In look forward t reading more of her works.


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