Thursday, September 7, 2023

Alien Origins of the Watchers


The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim: The Untold Story of Fallen Angels

By Scott Alan Roberts

The book of Enoch which elucidates the story of to hundred angels descending to earth in order to mate with human women and teach mankind. The angels mate with mankind and create a hybrid beings called Nephilim or fallen ones. These hybrids were the demigods and heroes of old. They were giants. The book is controversial, it was left out of the official canon and is considered Apocrypha. Not official scripture.

Scant reference is made to the Watchers in Genesis. One could wonder why that would be? It is part of the Ethiopian bible. Reason this book is explosive. Angels and demons are spiritual being and as such cannot mate with humans as they are physical. So who were these watchers? Angels are not flesh and blood and they cannot mate. They must be human like and if they came from the sky then chances are they are extraterrestrials. They came from another planet with superior skills and they attempted to teach these skills to mankind. The bible does not speak highly of these watchers they consider them to have been corrupting human kind.

All across the planet there are stories of teachers or people coming from the sky. They are depicted in a positive way. The bible makes them look bad. When human women mated with them they produced giants who could either be heroic or oppressive. The bible speaks about a council of gods. If there is a council there must be many and there is more than one god.

The author makes reference to other cultures coming into contact with these giant shining beings. It would have been nice if he would have gone more into depth about these shining ones and the cultures they mingled with. Since the author is a bible scholar he did give good over view of the judeo Christian viewpoint and examining their culture.

Going through the book one learns more about Moses, now mind you some of this is well known in Jewish scripture. They cannot identify where in Egyptian history did the figure Moses occur. Careful reading of Egyptian history may shed light on some things.  The Pharoah he grew up under was thutmosis. Hatshepsut was the queen. Thutmosis the third was her step child. Egyptian history makes note of Seknut. He was like her adopted son meant to take the throne. Moses always wanted to be a ruler. Seknut disappears from the record and is never heard of again. Very similar to the story of moses .

The Garden of Eden story has some different details as well. In Genesis it says that Eve was tricked by the serpent to eat of the tree of knowledge, after god has said “No” A more careful reading of symbolology we learn that the serpent had arms and legs and could talk. Sort of like a lizard person. Looking through the symbolism we find that he is a magician who seduced eve and that was how Cain was born. Cain was hybrid and Nephilim . Supposedly the flood cleaned them out. Wiped out all the hybrids. Yet they survived. Mention of them echoes throughout the Old testament and New. Why the flood happened no one knows. The Bible says sin like Adam knowing Eve kind of sin.

In the end it is aliens. While the author does subscribe to Alien intervention he does criticize Zecharia Sitchin and Erich Von Daniken. Good book.

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