Monday, June 5, 2023

Invoking Lilith the Dark Goddess


This little book is dedicated to the dark goddess Lilith. The most valuable parts of the book are the prayers themselves. While this book has merit it also has it’s areas of weakness.

If one wants to start dedicating themselves to Lilith this book has some valuable prayers, incantations etc. the weakness in the book is some of the facts which impact the prayers . The first fact the author got wrong is the difference between theurgic  and thaumaturgic magic. Theurgic is not just praying to the gods in hope that you will get something while thaumaturgic magic is asking for the same thing but using your own resources.

Theurgic magic is magic thst has us summon higher powers but it is for spiritual enlightenment or to commune with the gods. Thaumaturgic magic is love and money spells .

Next the author conflated Lilith with other deities like Ishtar, Alilat, Al Uzza etc. the ancients Babylonians never say 

Ilith or Ishtar as one. Alilat and Uzza are from the Arabian peninsula and have nothing to Do with Lilith.

The author is right when he addresses prayer. Praying to deities does not get us anything . We have to work for it. Prayer helps us focus our mind and energies on what we want and the gods do help out a little bit.

Lilith has a long history going all the way back into Sumeria which precedes the biblical Israel. Lilith started off as Lamashtu, a demon who killed babies in their crib and seduced men in their dreams. Later she morphed into Lilitu.  In the Bible Ilith was the first woman but she would not submit to Adam.

The author does get it right on left hand path philosophy. Dark deities want us to have our independence and they taught us about the stars, science and technology .

The main weakness of this book is the leaving out of history and incorrect facts. In case the reader is interested Inshall include so,e of the prayers and rituals.

Steps of prayer to Lilith

1. Go before the altar, Light the candle that is in front of the image of Lilith. 2. Bow your head. 3. Take a couple of minutes to contemplate what you are going to say. Imagine Lilith’s magnificent presence in front of you. 4. Say what comes from your heart. 5. At the end of your prayer say, "Nema." 6, Snuff out the candle.

Getting rid of negativity 

Before the ritual, write down all of the negative things you want to expel from your life. It could be a stressful job, a bad relationship, a bad habit, a negative thinking pattern, etc.. Invoke Lilith and Take 1 black candle and write all of these things onto the surface of the candle along with Lilith’s sigil.  Anoint the candle with Oleum of your choice or none at all. Within the ritual circle, charge the candie with all the anger, sadness, jealousy, etc... you feel regarding these situations, people, or things. Light the candle and imagine yourself being filled with a white light through the energies of Lilith so that none of these things can affect you. Burn the piece of paper. Close the rite and thank mother Lilith, but let the candle continue to burn down to nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Lilith is in my opinion a very destructive force, predatory, dark and evil. I do not believe that most people have any idea what they are involving themselves with. Lilith is at the darkest end of magic an end that is best avoided other than by fools or people who have never dealt with their nner child when it has chosen to put its hands in the fire.

    Putting hands in the fire will always get burned. Even God avoids creatures like Lilith. There will be a time to find out if there is anything Lillith has to offer humanity but its not now. Have you not heard of the phrase fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Alot of people are blundering where angels fear to tread and more and more darkess is sucking in fool!
