Monday, May 22, 2023

Witch Power

 Witch mother Laurie Cabot lives in Salem, Massachusetts, a place infamous for its witch trials where in 19 innocent people were hung or pressed to death. Most of the victims were women. A town rid of it’s witches now has people walking around in witch garb. Some accept it while others cannot get used to it.

Her life echoes that of witchcraft in general. As a youth she realized that she was different and that she was drawn to witchy things. She would have premonitions or be drawn to nature and it’s plethora of spirits. As children our minds are more open to the magical. While she does advocate being open about the craft and spreading th word she does realize that it is not always safe for people to come out of the broom closet.

Witches are not a bad thing in fact they are positive. Most of their work was for healing, abundance and prosperity. All things positive. The midwives of old had knowledge,of herbs and Star and all sorts of healing lore. The common folk being pagan had a sister of beliefs and practices. When Christianity took root the old deities were turned to devils and the church usurped many holidays and practices. This included medicinal lore.

When men opened the universities they took this medicinal knowledge with them and banned women from their universities. This put the power of medicinal stuff in the hands of men. When women were tortured and killed for witchcraft who were the ones who most benefited?

Laurie Cabot gives the reader a strong Wiccan view of history. She is honest  in how Wicca was given birth to by Gerald Gardner. Her view posits that before patriarchal times women we’re in control and things were a lot better. I do not know if thst part is true. But women had larger roles and more importance back in old times and that is for sure.

The book explains many tenets of Wicca, including the sabbath on the wheel of the year and that lunar phases. She explains the metaphysical underpinning behind the use of magic. The book has instructions on circle casting, calling quarters and spell casting. Great stuff!

What I found most useful was the crystal countdown for going to a beta mine state to an alpha mind state. I also found that I liked the 7 Hermetic principles. Take note this is the principle of magic.

  1. Mentalism : the whole universe is constructed of thought.
  2. Correspondence: As above so below. Meaning that what effects the smaller microcosm affects the macrocosm.
  3. Principle of Vibration: every single thing gives off a vibration at certain frequencies. Nothing stands still.
  4. Polarity : everything contains within itself it’s polar opposite. Hate contains love, fire contains water.
  5. Principle of Rhythm: every thing has its ebb and flow.
  6. Law of Cause and Effect :   Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the la
  7. Law of gender : everything has masculine and feminine characteristics.

Another quite useful thing I got from the book was the Crystal Countdown. This get’s you into the alpha state where magic , dreams and astral travel happen. This is something one should learn to use. Enjoy the book it is awesome!

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