Friday, April 21, 2023

Alien Wars of the Middle East


In ages past the Gods and men coexisted and even mingled. Along side such great Middle Eastern Warrior kings like Sargon, Naramsin and Hammurabi as they fought their wars were the gods. But if they could stand along side men and even interbreed with them, are they in fact really gods? If you follow the Ancient Aliens theory, they were not gods but flesh and blood extra-terrestrials. Their technology was so advanced that they were thought to be divine. The theory does have its merits and it does bring to light certain questions that scholars have been unable to answer. The universe is vast, in fact our galaxy is vast so there has to be life out there. Zecharia Sitchin knows his Sumeriology. Read this and you will learn a lot. While I do not believe everything, he says the theory has merit.

According to Sitchin around 450,000 years ago, a planet called Nabiru which has an elliptical orbit around the sun and whose year is around 3000 of ours. Their atmosphere was failing so they came here to mine gold to help it. So they began to colonize Earth and began mining for gold in South Africa and Sumeria. What follows is a depiction of the various wars these aliens fought with one another along side human beings.

On Nabiru there was a civil war of sorts where in the old ruler Allalu was overthrown and the throne was taken by Anu. According to this theory Allalu and family fled to the planet Earth and hid out there. Mean while Anu and his sons, Enki and Enlil started to mine for gold. At first the operation was a success but then the aliens that were mining the gold got tired of the work conditions and started to rebel. So they genetically altered one of the ape like hominids and they became men much like the aliens, who in ancient Sumeria were called the Annunaki. So the men worked the mines and like Hybrid mules they could not reproduce.

Between the two brothers there was enmity over succession. It almost came to war until Enki was given South Africa and Enlil Sumeria. Enki engineered modern man to reproduce. He gave them warning before the great deluge caused by the Nabiru coming close to earth. Reading this book will change your understanding. The pyramid wars where in at first Seth kills his brother Isiris and cuts him up. The theme of brother against brother comes up a lot. Horus avenges himself by defeating Seth, later on Seth battles against Ra the sun god who travel about on a sun barge fighting Apophis. Helping Ra against his usurping son is none other than his nephew, Horus.  Together they defeat Seth’s troops, who are men, and drive them further east to Canaan. There in Seth takes over a land not given to him. Eventually he will be kicked out.

Many Mesopotamian myths are different from what we believe. Marduk who was a brother to Nergal, kills Ishtar’s lover Dumuzi. He is her husband actually and together they could not conceive children so Dumuzi decides to couple with his sister quite against her will. Because of the crime Marduk captures him and sentences him to death. But he did it indirectly. Ishtar has him brought on trial and his punishment is to be sealed up in a pyramid. But no fear Nabu his son rescues him. Marduk is every much the young perky upstart. He keeps on trying to take over territories that are not his. At one point nuclear war occurs wiping out space ports and populations. Sodom and Ghomora have residual radiation as does the Sinai desert. Inn all it is quite clear that all society came from Sumeria which sprang up out of nowhere.

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