Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Mental Wars


War and violence are inherent in human nature. There is no way to eradicate war and its aftereffects without eradicating the impulse for war in humanity. That will never happen, as a species we are bound for conflict. The only solution is to divert our impulse for war towards something else, like a different kind of war.

Mind War or it’s concept differs in sharp contrast to physical war. Physical war takes a heavy toll on humanity. Not only in lives lost unnecessarily but also in terms of physical damage like we see in war torn areas. Often those who lose the war carry anger and resentment which could flare up later. Sometimes physical war has no official point of saying “Hey it’s over, mission accomplished. Then there is occupying a country after it has been conquered. The populace will be resentful of the occupying power.

Going into a war there is dehumanizing your enemy so that it is justifiable to do anything to them. There are psyops that undermine the security and wellbeing of that country or nation. Mind War is a different concept. It is sort of like Sun Tzu’s concept that the best way to win a war is bloodlessly. In a Mind War there are two different parties (or several) but the enemy is not another country or person but rather the problem. The objective of the Mind War is to convince the other side that it is best to join you rather than fight you. The objective is a win/win situation for both sides.

Mind War consists of identifying the problems and then identifying all the actors in the drama. As everyone comes together internal factors of the opposing nation state are analyzed as well as external factors. Negotiations are held in a building devoid of sharp angle the color red and negatively ionized air. The object is to promote an atmosphere of trust and goodwill.

Ultimately the objective is to have a society or polis based on the moral concept of Maat or something similar. The concept is one of high moral values and respect for human dignity. These just societies help to prevent future problems and help ensure a brighter future.

The concept of Mind War is far more humane than our current use of physical war and negotiating tactics. The use of intelligence gathering will still be there but gone will be the emphasis on deception and getting one over on the opponent. It’s purpose will be to gather information so that we have a full picture of what is going on. Gone will be the false flag operation and propaganda designed to make the enemy look like a monster.


The book puts forth a very enlightened concept. However, looking at things today it seems we have  long way to go before we are evolved enough to use the concept of Mind War. Psyops and denigrating the enemy or anyone who disagrees with you is going on left and right. More and more people are willing to use violence to meet their needs. We need re education.

Michael Aquino is a smart man with lot’s of insight. He is a military man and knows full well the psychological tactics of psyops. Many of the concepts put forth are solid and in the end there is always the possibility that Mind War will fail and we will have to resort to physical force, which is happening blatantly these day.

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