Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Alien Gods of the Bible


If you watch the TV show “Ancient Aliens “ then you have  heard most of this before and even seen the author on the show. The first part of the book tells about the author’s life and how he grew up in an African American Community and found a great love for the Church. By and large he was Presbyterian but now he is more ecumenical . His interests in UFO’s began when he began receiving visitation from grey aliens when he was 19 or so. At first he would see little orbs of light shaped like donuts later on he would see grey aliens in his house all the while his first wife slept through it. Later on he would be visited by a reptilian alien who held him down on his bed, like modern sleep paralysis, and told him that he would  be rich and famous.


The author’s main interest in UFO’s is not in the mechanics of how they got here but rather he is interested in how it changes the spiritual perspective of the contactee. Notice the use of contactee as opposed to abductee.  He was not abducted nor did he feel violated as some people had. The author notes a right and left perceptual bias in UFOology. People on the religious right tend to perceive the aliens as evil or satanic. Those on the left tend to see them as benevolent. The author seems to take a middle of the road position. Humans have a tendency to lump the unknown together and personify it as evil. He wants us to avoid that.

Going into the bible he starts off with describing incidents in Exodus where in the Israelites are guided through the desert by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire in the evening.  Something had to hover over the Red Sea to make it part. Or how about Elijah when he is taken up by a fiery chariot. Ezekial’s vision has been turned into a UFO construction. Enoch was taken up by a craft all the way to the sky and shown the mansions of Heaven.

In the new Testament you have the artifial insemination of Jesus. How else could Mary remain a virgin yet have a child without having coitus. There are a couple of examples of this in the New Testament. Usually birth are followed by shining lights in the sky. The Wisemen were guided by the star of Bethlehem which flew over the place Jesus was being born.

The author also goes into UFO sighting in the Quran. Giving an overview of humans. Angels and Jinn, the author tells how Muhammed ascended to the sky on a horse. What could this be other than an alien space craft.

The author is concerned with spirituality and believes the authorities have been covering up alien involvement since the beginning of time. There are have been many modern UFO sighting that are being covered up by our government. Contact has been going on for ages but our ancestor did not have words for what they saw. If they were to see up they would think that we too are gods. How would the religions handle it if the truth were let out. How could spiritual angels or being mate with flesh and blood human beings?

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