Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Craft of the traditional Witch

 I guess Vikki Bramshaw is a Wiccan / Traditional Witch. The book she has written by the way is an excellent resource for beginners. The book covers all the basics and give a short and sweet history that is both easy to read and offers critical analysis. From what I read she leans and combine British Traditional Witchcraft and Wicca which I like.

The authoress covers the tools needed for the craft and how to consecrate them for ritual use. The format for ritual is given so the reader can now write their own ritual. Astrology and herbology are covered with some good medical information on the herbs. Color and symbolism are covered very nicely as well. The god as she explains might be same all across the world but just given names that are different.

The authoress has a very practical attitude when it comes to magic. With regards to cursing she does not say don’t do it rather she states that maybe one aught to make sure of their motivations when doing a curse. Like should it really be done? Even with protection working that return it to sender one should consider if the person really meant harm or just did it on accident. When working with deities the authoress states that one must do the research. A percentage of the information comes from her own Coven Grimoire called “The Coven Book of Ways.

I really liked the invocations and evocations in the book. In her definition evocation is calling a deity to the edge of your circle while invocation let’s the deity within you. Invocation should only be done by an experienced magic practitioner . Here are some examples 

Our Mother is the earth that brings forth birth. She feeds us and gives us water and takes us back when our time comes. The circle she is, with the spear that joins the universe, the never-ending cycle. The meditation exercises are to die for an are awesome . Give this one a read.

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