Thursday, November 25, 2021

The House on 454 Angel Street



H.P. Lovecraft is the father or founder of weird fiction . Weird fiction is a category in and of itself that focuses on strange things that happen to people. Born in Providence , Rhode Island in 1890 HP lead a real sheltered life.

Born into wealth, thanks to his grandfather Whipple Philips, Howard lived most of his life on 454 Angel Street. When he was two years old his father was committed to a sanatorium. He was sick with syphalis . After this he would be raised by his aunts and grandfather. H.P. was very sheltered by his family , often having little contact with the neighborhood kids. In his own little world he absorbed the mythologies of different cultures and even worshipped some of their gods for fun. He had family that doted on him excessively.

This caused H.P. to have a week constitution and he missed lots of school as a result. As a teenager he was often struck with nerves . He did not graduate high school due to so many abscences. While in high school he managed to run his own magazine which focused on science and astronomy. 

Later in his career he would focus on amateur work. Later on he would publish in Weird Tales. He had difficulty publishing later on. Basically the man and his life in a nutshell. H.P. was an atheist who had no beLife in god. He believed the Anglo Saxon culture to be superior and he shunned inter ethic marriage. He looked down on anyone who was not white. The book was overly long and Burdened with excessive details that made for slow reading . Book should have been condensed to three to four hundred pages.

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