Thursday, November 25, 2021

The House on 454 Angel Street



H.P. Lovecraft is the father or founder of weird fiction . Weird fiction is a category in and of itself that focuses on strange things that happen to people. Born in Providence , Rhode Island in 1890 HP lead a real sheltered life.

Born into wealth, thanks to his grandfather Whipple Philips, Howard lived most of his life on 454 Angel Street. When he was two years old his father was committed to a sanatorium. He was sick with syphalis . After this he would be raised by his aunts and grandfather. H.P. was very sheltered by his family , often having little contact with the neighborhood kids. In his own little world he absorbed the mythologies of different cultures and even worshipped some of their gods for fun. He had family that doted on him excessively.

This caused H.P. to have a week constitution and he missed lots of school as a result. As a teenager he was often struck with nerves . He did not graduate high school due to so many abscences. While in high school he managed to run his own magazine which focused on science and astronomy. 

Later in his career he would focus on amateur work. Later on he would publish in Weird Tales. He had difficulty publishing later on. Basically the man and his life in a nutshell. H.P. was an atheist who had no beLife in god. He believed the Anglo Saxon culture to be superior and he shunned inter ethic marriage. He looked down on anyone who was not white. The book was overly long and Burdened with excessive details that made for slow reading . Book should have been condensed to three to four hundred pages.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Spaceships and Skinealkers in Utah

 In recent years much light has been shed on UFO ‘s and paranormal activity. Strange animals that resemble,Dog men or wolves walking upright are starting to gain more attention and the reports of their sighting are becoming more numerous and they reports are viewed as more credible. Now even the government is publicly taking these issues seriously in public forum.

Part of the reason for this change happened between thee years of 2008-2010. The American government set up AWASS an organization designed to study these phenomena along with the help of Mr. Bigelo the owner of Bigelo Aeronaughtics. Senator Reed was essential in getting the funding set up and the approval for the agency. It was staffed by scientists, military personnel , FBI and intelligence agents. They took a hard look at the UFO phenomenon and paranormal occurrences . Senator Reid felt that studying these UPA’s as the author calls them was essential to American security, Bigelow was interested in the UAP’s along with the psychic abilities that people tended to have when there was an encounter.

The base of operation was on what is called Skinwalker Ranch. The ranch is located in Utah. It is well known for UFO activity and the observance of strange beings. People who have visited there have been effected by the high levels of radiation, presence of weird animals and presences. Various people that have gone there experience floating orbs, sudden temperature changes, fear of an invisible presence and shadow people. Theses experiences followed them home and they would experiment visions of orbs and animals and like a contagion it spread to the other family members as well.

Medical issues have also arisen the orbs off light when they touch people can get them sick. Symptoms of this sickness could include losing hair, strange bumps and problems with glandular secretion. This happened to someone who worked on Skinwalker ranch as part of the assignment an it happened to someone driving home in Bend Oregon when an orb of light penetrated their chest. Visitors to Skin Ranch have often been attacked by shadow people in their sleep with marks on their body to show for it. One person who viewed a UFO was shot by a beam of light that had serious medical effects.

For two years they gathered information. It was not without obstacle . Other agencies might have been trying to sabotage their work. Individuals who have sighted UFO’s were visited by men in black and told too keep quiet about what they have seen.

After two years the program folded but people took this stuff more seriously. Article were published about AWAASS but got it mistaken with another government agency called AATIP. No one knows if these alien ships are a threat or are here for more noble purposes. Guess only time will tell.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Set Takes Over America

Author Rick Riordan has been bringing the myths of old back fo to life in a modern context. He is doing a good job of it as the schools are reading his books in class. This one is about Egyptian mythology.

Some background is required for understanding the story more fully. First off Set is the brother of Osiris and Isis, he is lord of the desert. When Osiris was crowned pharaoh of Egypt he had him killed by locking him in a coffin and cutting off his body in to pieces. Isis puts them back together save for one part. Later on Horus fight Seth for the throne. But Sethmis also Ra’s lieutenant who jabs the wicked apaphis with a spear.

Sadie and Carter Kane come from two pharaonic lineages. They are the two most powerful godlings born in a long time. Their parents belonged to the house of life which is an order of Egyptian magician dedicated to keeping the gods locked away in the duat, or Egyptian spirit world. They feel the gods are no good.

Carter and Sadies parents foresee something and they free Bastet from battling Apophis for eternity. Bastet gets out but to keep Apophis imprisoned the mother has to give her life.

Since then the Juliious Kane must keep his activity secret from the house of life. Sadie and Carter are raised apart.

Life changes again when the father opens a portal and releases Set and some other gods . Juliious gets imprisoned and Set plans on using a Red Pyramid to destroy North America. The two have to stop Set. Along the way they meet they uncle Amos, khufu the  Baboon and a host of other Egyptian characters. They need Sets secret name if they are to stop him.

Reading this book not only renders a good but also gives a good overview of how Egyptian magic works. The house of life works magic but they do not worship the gods. Sadie and Carter have to struggle with Isis and Horus who want to take full possession of their bodies. Only Pharos can host deities. If you enjoy Egypt then this one Is for you.