Friday, July 30, 2021

Think Like a San Soo Master

 It has been many years since I have taken San Soo. Well over thirty years ago. This book helped bring it all back to me. How a San Soo fighter is suppose to think. Adopt this thinking and no one will mess with you. Master Hulsey demonstrates San Soo thinking when he is stationed in Vietnam. His roommate was a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and he loved to intimidate people. This room mate tried to intimidate Bill and his response was, “When you go to sleep I am going to hit you over the head with a shovel” the lesson is that when someone threatens you issue them an even bigger threat. The roommate left and never came back.  Another time they were waiting in a movie theater and someone was intimidating other people in line. Bills cousin punched the guy in the jaw and knocked him out cold. Bills mother told him that if anyone started to fight with him and they were very tough that he should pick up a stick and defend himself with it.

Master Bill gives the reader straight forward strategy on how to stay alive in a street fight.  His philosophy is that if someone is talking tough and they are getting aggressive beat them to the first punch. The one who takes the first punch has the advantage. If you wait to block the punch you are giving up to much of an advantage. If there are two guys arguing about whether to fight you and one is debating about whether or not to fight you and the other wants to fight then take no chances and take them out while you can. Another strategy is to fake a kick to the groin.The other fighter lowers down to block it and then you kick them in the face. It is a knock out move.

Master Bill also instructs the reader on the proper way to execute certain strikes, kick and how to do certain exercises to increase your fighting ability. One exercise is to practice punching as hard as you can and then stopping six inches before the target. This develops strength and dynamic tension. Another exercise is looking at your shadow n the wall,or your reflection in the mirror. Try to punch the Image without telegraphing.

A great book for a student of any martial art.there are nuggets of gold that should be treasured. The stories are entertaining and enjoyable. A treasure for any San Soo Fighters library.

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