Monday, April 26, 2021

Copper Kingdom of Daevabad


Taking place 5 years after the first installment, Nahri, a Daeva from the house of Nahid has returned to her city which was hers by birthright until it was taken over thousands of years ago by the Qahtani tribe of Jinn. Since her return to the city she has married Muntadhir, king ghassan’s oldest son. The youngest son Ali is the one who is truly in love with her and wants to partner up with her to fight for the rights of Shafit, or better known as half human/ half jinn. Ali has also been exiled and only returns when Ayanle merchants secure it for him . He returns in time for Navasatem, an old Daeva holiday. It is around this holiday that events in the story culminate.

With Ali’s return, Nahri, who from a tribe of healers, find an old abandoned hospital she wishes to fix up and start healing Daeva and Jinn. King Ghassan reluctantly supports it. In reality it is Ali who is her partner in building the hospital. Her husband has different and varied romantic interests.

At the end of the last book there was a battle in the lake of Daevabad. In this battle Afshin the slayer is supposedly slain while Ali, who supposedly had slain him was possessed by a water Marid. It has imbued him with magic.

But Daroush the Afshin is not dead but has been revived. Ifrit who do magic are involved as is Nahri mother, Mazzibeh who is also healer. Outside the city they plan a Nahid take back,of the city. The rebel Daeva make potions and train an army. All things culminate on Navastem. Who will take control of the city.? The Daeva’s or Qahtanis.

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