Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Getting High with Magick


A highly recommended book for those who love cannabis and Magick. Here is a book that combines the two. The first part of the book goes into the history of cannabis and how it has been with us and promoted our development. Most of the research in this part was gleaned from the work of Chris Bennet, who has written extensively about the history of cannabis. Indeed it has. Spread by the Scythians who used it in their funeral rites its use has spread through out the centuries through Greek Roman times to the present. There is also a nice section on recipes. Just a few as it is not a cookbook. The book delves into meditation practices, ceremonial Magick rituals, breathing exercises you name it. Excellent book for beginning Magick users who may or may not have been long time cannabis users. Some of the meditating includes mindfulness  meditation , zen breathing where you focus on just your breath mantra meditation and a few others. The author has also included some ceremonial Magick rituals that have been modified and made somewhat easier to follow from old Zoroastrianism. Included are rituals to charge talimsmans connect with your answers. A nice paradigm in the building there is also some NLP concepts thrown in. If you wish to explore cannabis from a pagan perspective then this book is for you and a great starting point at that.

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