Thursday, October 24, 2019

Revival of Norse Culture

The Northern Dawn: A History of the Reawakening of the Germanic Spirit: From the Twilight of the Gods to the Sun at MidnightThe Northern Dawn: A History of the Reawakening of the Germanic Spirit: From the Twilight of the Gods to the Sun at Midnight by Stephen E. Flowers
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

In modern times there has been a call to revive the ancient Germanic culture. By Ancient culture the Heathen or Pagan past is what is meant. So the research begins to recover this lost German past, before it was Christianized.

Has the Germanic culture been completely lost to the process of modernity and Christianization? Author Edred Flowers says no it has not been lost. In fact it has not even been buried. It is still alive and kicking.

One of the places it is still alive is in the literature and folktales. In the Ancient poetry, bard songs and even fairy tales the Germanic ideas still live on . Germanic Literature focused on heroism and overcoming great opponents. The literature put an emphasis on bravery and martial courage.

Christianity was not supposed to be a violent religion or at least not one of warfare. If so then where did the tradition and ethos of knighthood come from? From the Norse ideology, of course.

As Christianity crept into Europe it had to exist side by with Heathenism Often times Roman Christianity absorbed so much German culture that it became Germanized. One example of this is the Helmand which rewrites the story of Christ and his twelve apostle. In the Heliand Christ is depicted as a warrior.

Many Saxon laws originate from the Germanic time and in many an instance have remained unchanged. Customs and tradition of Ancient German culture were retained in the courtly and secular level.

It wont be hard to revive Germanic Heathen culture . It might not look the same as it once did but still there is enough of it alive.

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