Hyperworlds, Underworlds by Jason Louv
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Have you ever read a book that has everything and also at the same time strips away the lies and leave the truth naked and bare? Jason Louv has done it with this book, composed mostly of essays published in various publications and at different times. The book covers, politics, social issues, Eastern spirituality and Western Magick. Reader beware you may be blown away and you may also at the same time find out that this stuff resonates with you because on some deeper level you know it is all true.
Mr. Louv will talk a lot about politics. Let’s face it the government is not on our side. Rather they are backing the big money, corporations. Corporate America sees the common man as nothing more than cattle and money making machines. Their goal is to make up like robot or slaves. It I a soft cell slavery where we are chained to a desk and computer while we mine away information for these companies. The information will be used for marketing. In a way we already are slaves, our work hours get longer and our pay becomes less. Benefits are being stripped away before our very eyes. We are not the only ones who are slaves.
Across much of the third world forced labor or slave labor is used. Kids as young as 12 are denied education so they can work for major corporation at 12 cents an hour for like 15 hours a day. We Americans love our gadgets and Iphones but think it is an open secret by now that these products we love are built off the back of children who are worked to death. That makes us consumer accomplices to the crime. Nestle is one of the biggest users of child/Slave labor.
The NSA has since 9/11 ben monitoring our internet usage. They see everything we do. Their purpose is to spy on us and take away our freedoms. Big corporation by information from internet biggies like Facebook and google. Congress allowed them to do so. The big corporations are at the top of the pyramid. As it stands right now the corporations are becoming more powerful than the government. There are international treaties being drafted that give major corporations the right to sue a government if it makes laws that hurt its revenue. This undermines a countries and governments soverenty.
Our government does lots of dirty things like spying on friendly countries via our embassies, something which does not make them too happy. The CIA has also sold drugs to finance its operations. Even on the streets of America, especially towards minorities. Our crimes against minorities and the underprivileged is being played out in the prison system wherein female inmates were pressured into being sterilized. Our world is in trouble as our artificial consumeristic lifestyle causes us to deplete the earth’s natural resources and overpopulation is bourgeoning. Pretty soon our planet will not be able to sustain us. The solution is to explore space while we still have fossil fuels. It is our destiny to colonize space .
Jason Louv talks lots on chaos magick which strips away al the finery and gives you nothing but the barebones of the matter. Lots of what goes on in the occult world is baloney . But he gives yu the real deal and wipes away the glamor of magic so that all you have left is what works. I have only scratched the surface.
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