Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Lazlo Strange was one orphan of many in a Great War in Zosmos. Like most orphans he was sent to the monastery and raised to be a monk. Born with mtalic skin that soon turned normal, young lazlo had a vivid imagination and was always playing in the field and dreaming of faraway places. One of his favorite past times was listening to a monk tell stories of a mythical city in the desert called Tizkarin. One day while playing in the fields he realized everyone forgot the city’s name and its existence. Yet he rembered it. It became an obsession. Later on Lazlo becomes a librarian which gives him ample time to do research and prove to himself the city does exist.
One day the opportunity arrives for him to go to the city.The Godslayer comes to Zosmos recruiting people to help them with a problem in the Weep as the city is now called. A huge angel shaped citadel floats above the city. It is a remnant left over from godlike being called Mestarthim. The citadel is made from a strange metal called Mestarthium. The object is to get that citadel removed to the city can experience sunlight again. The Mestarthim basically enslaved the people of the weep. The Godlsaysr killed these godlike being and freed the people. He also killed off the godspawn, hybridized children of human and god.
Five survived in the citadel each with a different magical ability. Some want to fight, others like Sarai want peace. She enters peopl s dreams by expelling moths from her body. She connects with Lazlo. It is here thst Lazlo finds his destiny. Will peace prevail or will there be all out war.
A rich story with a cast of well developed characters. The story is over 500 pages and I read it in 3 days. Enjoy!
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