Dark Star Rising: Magick and Power in the Age of Trump by Gary Lachman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What is the secret to Trumps success and his presidential victory? He seems to bumble through his presidency without a plan or clue and yet he still manages to come out on top. Is it collusion with the Russians? Or perhaps it is his untold millions or is it a pact with the devil? The title does suggest something sinister.
The real secret lies in positive thinking. As Robert Spencer, the leader of an alt right group, proclaimed that we willed Trump into power. This sounds magical to me. Trump was a follower of Vincent Normal Peale, a minister who believed in the power of thinking positive. Vincent Norman Peale had a plan of action that stated “Picturize it, prayerize it, actualize it.” If the mind can conceive it then the mind can achieve it.
This incredible book details the history of new thought or positive thinking, going back to when it was used for health. Now it is being used to generate wealth or achieve ambitions. Trump approaches his job with a controlled neurosis and not much of a game plan to tie him down. Rigidity in his mind detracts from success.
In terms of getting elected several Magick terms are discussed. Egregires or group mind mascot is a being or way of thinking created from the energy of human thought. Pepe the frog is an example . He was used to get trump elected. It carried an idea from mind to mind. Pepe the frog could be an egregore. On the net lol was usd to mean laugh out loud. Well in the gaming world typing lol translated to Kek. Somehow this kek got attached to Pepe the frog. Kek was also an Egyptian deity, a frog deity.
Chaos magic comes into play over in Russia. Alexander Dugin himself appears to be a chaos magician, he wears the chaos star. Like Trump this guy is a post modern thinker where in the truth and reality are negotiable. He is also a traditionalist meaning that he believes that in the beginning there a divine revelation or period and since then things have digressed. He is using chaos magic techniques to restore Russia to a Eurasian super power. There is a conflict with the west it is over supremacy. It could also turn into an occult war.
This fascinating book opened for me an internal doorway. I plan to read this author’s book and some that have been recommended or mentioned. The imagination is everything.
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