Thursday, February 14, 2019

Nazis: Deluded Idiots and Worse

Occult Secrets Of The Third ReichOccult Secrets Of The Third Reich by Timothy Green Beckley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Nazis under Hitler committed some of the worst atrocities known in human history . Many have wondered what caused such a phenomenon to occur. Was Hitler evil, possessed by a demon or was he a misguided idiot who some how rose to power? Hitler did not consider himself to be evil rather he thought he was doing humanity a service. Some would say he was demon possessed.

Long have the rumors of Nazi involvement with the occult been circulated. To be sure there were Nazis who were into the occult, Heinrich Himmler being the most notable . Hitler himself thought the occult was nothing but hooey and had a rather scornful attitude towards the subject.

When one speaks of Nazi occultism one often thinks of ritual summoning the devil or other Pagan gods. But in reality the mythology of the Nazi occult involvement takes in many factors. Going back to the World War I era we find that two societies were around and they were the Vril society and the Thule society. Vril is the energy or chi that Germans possess. Thule was a mythical northern paradise that German people are supposedly descended from. Mythology is the gist of it and the Nazis bought into some pretty wild ideas.

Many Nazis were obsessed with the Aryana origins of the German people. Some myths stated that in really ancient times the Aryans descended from Thule which is a land in the Arctic region. Once they left that land rumors state that some people went to live underground while other legends say they went to live in India and the Himalayas before getting on to Europe. The Nazis were obsessed with Tibetan mysticism. Several expedition were sent over there to commune with the hidden masters so the Third Reich could take power. In fact when Berlin was taken over by the Russians they found several cells of dead Tibetan monks. Apparently they were involved in a ritual to help the Nazis take power. Many appeared to have committed suicide. Tibetan legend speaks of underground cities of Agatha and Shamballah. One a spiritual place and the other a sinful place. The Nazis were obsessed with finding these places.

They took a strong belief in the Hollow Earth theory which states that there is an advanced civilization living at the center of the Earth. Some Nazis were deluded enough to believe that we ourself are living in the Earth and that there is no outer space. There was a group of psychic woemen or valkyries who had or claimed to have had psychic connection with aliens from Venus and these were Aryan aliens

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