Building Your Self-Image by Zelig Pliskin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Why are some people super successful while others are even afraid to try? There could be a lot of reasons for this. Modern psychology has determined that self image or how we see ourselves has a direct impact in every area of life. People with a positive self image tend to be more successful. After all if you have a positive self image you. Tend to believe in yourself more and those that believe in themselves are not afraid to go for it when pursuing their goals. They are not afraid to take a risk. What if you don’t have a positive self image. The answer of course is to build one.
Rabbi Pliskin who I had the honor of meeting in Jerusalem many years ago on the Discovery Program through Aish Hatorah has crafted a brilliant book to help you build your self image. Techniques and saying are culled from the deep flowing sources in Judaism, along with modern psychology and neurolingusitic programming.
What can you do to build your self image? Well for one you can do acts of kindness. This activity will be stored in your brain and you will think of yourself as a kind person. This raises your self image. One can also master themselves by overcoming negative behaviors and learning to work with their emotions. Over come these obstacle and you already have the building block of a positive self image. An anchor is an concept from neurolingusitc programming. An anchor is an activity that provokes a certain emotion that can be positive or negative. Use the positive anchor to lift your spirits so you can excel. Rabbi Pliskin’s method employs affirmations and a lot of rethinking of how we view things. Difficult or adverse challenges help us grow and bring out the best of us. Remember once you overcome these obstacles you have over come another challenge and this is stored in your brain and it builds your self image. Even if you only reach your personal best once just remember that you did do it and that you can do it. This is added to your brain and it builds your self image.
This book could come real handy if you follow the advice within the pages. You definitely can boost your self image and when you feel better about yourself then you accomplish more. sometimes though i think you need to achieve something in order for your self image to properly grow.
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