Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Brtherhood of Saturn

The Fraternitas Saturni   Or Brotherhood Of Saturn: An Introduction To Its History, Philosophy And RitualsThe Fraternitas Saturni Or Brotherhood Of Saturn: An Introduction To Its History, Philosophy And Rituals by Stephen E. Flowers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Brother Hood of Saturn came into being during 1926, right after World War I. They are still around in some form today,or at least they are using to names and teaching. It was founded by Gregor Gregorious. After a meeting with Aleister Crowley, Master Gregorious accepted Crowley’s proclamation that the age of Aquarius was upon them. He accepted several of Crowley’s teachings but did not buy into Crowley being a prophet or a leader.

The Brother Hood of Saturn had several influences whose ideology helped birth several occult movements. Based on a Masonic structure, as many were Masons they were also able to borrow from the Golden Dawn, Crowley’s groups, Theosophy, Adonism and FOGC.

Having taken root in Germany, many were trying to find a magical system in which connected German people to the folkish spirit. It is said that there was the Brotherhood of Saturn going back to ancient times. Of course in this study I did not find many references to the Norse deities.

The Fraternity of Saturn in fact is very Luciferian and very gnostic. By Luciferian it is meant that Lucifer was meant by god to teach us and guide us. He is the planetary ruler under god. Or he is rebelling against god by giving us this knowledge. Gnostics believe that an evil god created this world as a material prison to entrap souls of light. The savior has the job of freeing us.

The object of the brotherhood was to advance themselves and their lodge spiritually. They had an ideology of strengthening themselves. Their ideology was informed ny Nietzchs. Saturn was their main planet of influence and its influence to the Earth was mediated by the moon. Saturn had a higher mode and a lower mode so to speak. The higher order was Lucifer who was a teacher and enlightenervof mankind. The lower emanation would be Satan. Satan is the opposer and rather reckless and rebellious. Their egregor was GOTOS. They had up to 33 degrees in their system. 29 through 33 being reserved for high level leadership.

Too bad the book was not longer, I really enjoyed it. The book has a compliment of rituals, appendices on the movement and their influences. There is a good deal of talk about Tantra. For those serious ones this is a book to be enjoyed.

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