The Slaves Shall Serve: Meditations on Liberty by James Wasserman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This book is a real eye opener. Written with a definite right wing view , this ceremonial magician writes about American style liberty and the forces that are imperiling it. One of the most imminent threats to our liberty is statism. The author decries the mentality that the state should make our decisions for us and become like a nanny for us. This is the objective of Hilary and the other democrats. Part of their plan is to totally disarm Americans by banning guns.
The second amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms. After all a well armed militia is the best defense for liberty. After all you government cannot oppress you so easily if you are armed. Mr. Wasserman present plenty of arguments to battle the gun control people. Not only would it reduce crime but it would also build responsibility in youth that knew how to use firearms. The author states examples of how guns have stopped crime. I think he might believe that statistics presented by the gun control lobby are skewed.
Two cases really show case American govt. behavior in this regard. Waco and Randy Weaver. Randy Weaver had his home assaulted by government troops for some minor gun violation. The law enforcement agencies involved acted like the Gestapo. His son and wife were killed. Later the courts awarded Randy Weaver 3.1` million dollars.
The Branch Davidians of Waco were not violent psychopaths the media made them out to be . Their only crime was not paying a tax on modified guns. They were not child abuser and they certainly were no threat to the state. Our governments response was way out of proportion.
The left it seems wants to do away with private ownership and make everyone dependent on the state. They will make our decisions for us. Mr. Wasserman believe that the left is preparing to betray America’s sovereignty and sell us out to the UN so we could be part of a one world government .
The next threat to our liberties is the Islamic problem from the east. Despite the author’s leaning he does recognize that the fanatical Muslims who rush into the arms of Al Quaeda, and ISIS do not represent the viewpoint of most Muslims. Yet the Muslims that are come here are building mosques that preach a violent hatred and Jihad. These mosques are funded by America’s allies , the Saudi Arabians. The author liked most people of his persuasion believes that there is a sizeable minority of Muslims that see immigrating as way of conquering the world for Islam. It must be recognized that Islamic world and Christian world have been at war with each other for the longest.
At the end of the book in the appendices there is the fulll text of our constitution preamble and what not. Side by side with it is the UN charter. Interesting that the UN charter was drafted by Alger Hiss. Mr. Hiss was brought up on charges of espionage.
While I may not agree with everything the book says I will say this. I am not afraid of the state taking my rights, rather I am afraid of the filthy rich using their money to buy the government and control us that way. Take assault weapons off the market and leave hand guns and hunting rifle available only. The UN is a paper tiger that has failed in it’s mandate to secure world peace and halt oppression. As for Al Quaida well we need to do something different .
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