Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Ragnarok American Style

American GodsAmerican Gods by Neil Gaiman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Neil Gaiman is a fiction author that speaks to me in a non fictional way. Not only does he crank out a good story with a stellar cast of characters but also manages to insert several metaphysical truths. I kind of like to rank him among Chaos magicians and other enlightened Pagan. He has done his reading even if it is not apparent at first.

Shadow is pulling time in prison for some violent crime . He is accompanied by some dude named Low Key (Loki). He figures later in the story. In any case an early release is granted after his wife Laura and his boss die in a traffick accident. A stranger named Wednesday offered him a job. Wednesday is really Ofin and he has a really big job for Shadow. A new set of gods is trying to muscle in. They are technology gods and they want to keep the same pattern but they want to introduce a new paradigm. Shadow goes on a slew of adventures, some with Egyptian gods and deities from other pantheons. A great war is about to come about. The tech gods are worried for their positions as well because once the gods are forgotten they lose their power and whither away. Things climaxed on a hill called Rocl City. Along the way Shadow solves crimes and meets a vast assortment of characters. He solves murders, reconnects with old friend.

But I'm the end Odin and Loki have a plan. Elements are pulled from the mythology and are plugged in quite well to the story. The story and the book are great. I found the additional excerpts a bit painful and boring to read after the story was finished. A must read.

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