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Saturday, April 20, 2013
Invocations to the Morrigan
Mother of Beauty and Strife Daughters of Ernmas Mother of the Time Before Ériu, Banba and Fódla Guardian and the Secret Door Mother of the Black Crows Children of the Ninth Wave Don, Modron, Matronna Fertile Womb and Deepest Grave With the Rivers Flowing Filled with Waters and Starry Light Anu, Danu, Morrighan We call you in this rite.
Evocation of Ernmas Mother of the Great Mother, Mother of the Great Queen. Power before the Timeless Power, When the world was new. Ernmas, Iron Death. Ernmas, Primal Land. Ernmas, Pangaea of the Emerald Isle. Land Mother Grand Mother Mother of Ériu Mother of Banba Mother of Fódla Witch Mother War Mother Mother of Badb Mother of Macha Mother of Morrigan Ernmas, Iron Death. We call to you.
Invocation to the Morrighan as Universal Mother Mother of the Emerald Isle Mother of all life Anu, Danu, Morrighan Mother of Beauty and Strife Daughters of Ernmas Mother of the Time Before Ériu, Banba and Fódla Guardian and the Secret Door Mother of the Black Crows Children of the Ninth Wave Don, Modron, Matronna Fertile Womb and Deepest Grave With the Rivers Flowing Filled with Waters and Starry Light Anu, Danu, Morrighan We call you in this rite.
Invocation of the Battle Crow Badb I call to you. Badb Catha Battle Crow I call to you. Badb Catha Morrigu Battle Crow Queen I call to you! Daughter of Ernmas Daughter of Delbaeth Wife of Neid I call to you now. Bringer of Fury Grant me success in my battles. Avenging Lady Grant me justice Prophet Crow May your calls lead to wisdom and success Nine times eternal! So mote it be.
Invocation to Macha Macha of the Red Fire Mane Macha of the Black Feathered Cloak Macha of the Green Burial Field Be with us. Daughter of the Sea Tender of Dreadful Acorns Faery Queen Be with us. Macha, Mother of Twins Macha, Seer of the Future Macha, Lady of the Red Tresses Be with us. Grant us your blessings. May we heed your warnings And always honor you as Goddess and Queen Blessed be.
Take white candle and left candle light it along with incense. Chant Morrigan. Drift down a river to island. Triple form goddess give you gifts of food,weapons and lullaby.
Light a white, red and black candle chant morrigan. Travel to river end up in phosphorescent cave meet warrior goddess ask about plans. Meet with Macha and Neith.
Circle casting
First you sense your blade or wand and then use it to make you circle.Go deosil three times.
I cast this circle to protect us from all harm on any level. I charge this circle to draw the most perfect of energies for my work here. I create a space beyond space, a time beyond time, where the highest will, Sovereignty, reigns supreme. So mote it be
Calling Quarters
To the North, to the sacred city of Falias, I call to the realm of elemental earth. I call upon the spirit of earth by the blessings of the wizard Morfesa, keeper of the Stone of Sovereignty. Hail and welcome. To the East, to the sacred city of Gorias, I call to the realm of elemental air. I call upon the spirit of air by the blessings of the wizard Esras, Keeper of the Sword of Truth. Hail and welcome. To the South, to the sacred city of Finias, I all upon the element of fire. I call upon the spirit of fire by the blessings of the wizard Uiscias, Keeper of the Spear of Destiny. Hail and Welcome. To the West to the sacred city of Murias, I call upon the element of water. I call upon the spirit of water by the blessing of the wizard Semias. Keeper of the cup of compassion. Hail and Welcome.
Releasing the Circle
To the North, to the sacred city of Falias,I thank and release the powers of elemental earth I thank and release the wizard Morfesa, keeper of the Stone of Sovereignty. Hail and farewell. To the West, to the sacred city of Murias, I thank and release the powers of elemental water I thank and release the wizard Semias, keeper of the Cup of Compassion. Hail and farewell. To the South, to the sacred city of Finias, I thank and release the powers of elemental fire I thank and release the wizard Uiscias, keeper of the Spear of Destiny. Hail and farewell. To the East, to the sacred city of Gorias, I thank and release the powers of elemental air. I thank and release the Wizard Esras keeper of the Sword of truth. Hail and fair well.
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