Friday, June 10, 2011

Voudoo Money Magic

Vodou Money Magic
Kenaz Filan, Destiny Books

Kenaz Filan is a an author who has written many a book about vodou and magic. He is an en editor and contributing author of New Witch Magazine. He has practiced Haitian Vodou for tren ydears as a solitaire and then becane intitiated into a temple.

What follows here is an incredible book about vodou and money magic. But this is no book of ordinary get rich spells. This book offers a history of Haiti and a probing inventory into our own attitudes. The book tells about several spirits or LWA as they are called and how each of them applies to money magic. THe author is very careful to inform the reader that there are no get rich schemes. Success comes with hard work and the LWA help out.

Haiti is a nation of former slaves. Slaves whjo worked in plantation run by cruel French masters. Since winning their freedom Haiti has known it;s share of revolutions and instability. THing over there are much different. Most of the wealth is i the hands of a powerful elite while the rest of the area langusihes in poverty. Vodou practitioners see nothing wirong with asking for money or love. These are needed things. Vodou does tell you to approach the LWA respectfully and keep up your end of the bargain. That includes kleeping your vows in exchange for favors rendered.

While life is harder in Haiti over here we have our issues to face. Often times we may feel entitled to an easier life and such is taken for granted. We also tend to over estimate how talented we really are and always ffeel we deserve more. If we are having finaincial difficulties we need to eaxamine the reason why. Are we wasting money on shoppiong sprees, boozing and gambling to much or do we have a spouse that drains things away. We have to confront these issues.

What follows next is a description of the different LWA and how to work with them. Legba is the keeper of doorways. He can help in having people who owe you pay you off and in finding job opportunities. Damballah helps you with compulsive spending. Agwe the LWA of the Sea helps with relationships. Danto, the LWA of single mother hood helps out also. THe list goes on. THe rituals are practical and easy to follow. THe spells are dopwn to earth and the author gives great advice.

The bookis excellent. I t gives one a great history of Haiti and a thorough and comprehensive over view of the Haitian mentality.More importantly it has you analyze yourself and your attitudes towards money and spending along with spells in helping you both get out of debt and to accrue wealth. If you are new to Vodou this is a great book to start with. This book gets 5 stars out of five.


  1. Thank you so much for the kind words about my book! I am glad you enjoyed it and happy to be of service to you and to the lwa.

  2. You are welcome. Your book is a service unto the LWA
