Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Story of Inanna Retold


Inanna : Book One of the Sumerians

By Emily H Wilson

Finally some good fiction about the Annunaki from Sumeria. I wish it would reach best seller status and become a movie but I guess that is wishful thinking. Great book and I mean it. Could not put it down. The story centers around Inanna , Although the point of view shift over to Ninshubar, Gilgamesh and some times Ereshkigal.  While te Annunaki are superior being they are more like super humans as opposed to invincible deities. Thus plugs into the mythos that if the Gods ate some food they could become immortal and live forever but do not get the food then they become like us. The story also plugs into the Ancient Aliens theory by having them say they came from heaven in a ship called the thunderird. The Mees they wear on their wrists are like superior technolgy and the melam or black pwder they use to give them their powers might be produced in a laboratory.

The story starts out about Inanna the first Annunaki who is born on earth who is actually Anunaki . Usually the Annunaki cannot breed or if they are lucky they come out as mortal. The melam makes them gods. Gilgamesh is mortal but was born of Anunaki parents. The story then switches over to Gilgamesh who is on the run from king Akka of Akkadia. Once he is captured he is a hostage in Akka's court. While in Akka's court he seduces the kings daughter which renews a conflict between Enlil, a god and Akka. Soon Gilgamesh is forced in to a marriage with Della , Enlil's daughter. Gilgamesh goes on to fight several battle. Ninshubar is a warrior who adopts a hairy man named Potta. Her adventures include getting captured and sold as a priest to lunar temple. SAhe ends up in Enki's prison and escapes to be united with Inanna.

Enki in Sumerian mythology is a good god who helps out mankind. In this tale he is cruel and sadistic. He arranges the marriage of Inanna to Dumuzi his son. Enki captures Inanna mom and imprison's her. While at Enki's castle Ningal, Inanna's mom tells her t o go to Ereshkigal in the underworld. The rest of the story follows the mytholgy but with a different interpretation. She goes down to get her Mee fixed so she can challenge the evil Enki. But Ereshkigal bears her sister no love and you know the story. In the end it is Enki who has the means to save her. An sends Gilgamesh to get more  Melam. In the end it will be Inanna vs Enki. Her Mee starts to work and she is ready to fight and assume control.

The book effectivey tells an alternate story to the mythology.

Monday, January 22, 2024

The History of Soma


Cannabis and the Soma Solution

by Chris Bennet

In India there was an elixir called Soma which brought one closer to the gods. In Iran it was called Haomas this too brought one closer to the gods. The big question is what is Soma or Haoma made of. There has lots of specuation. Author, Chris Bennett, makes the argument that the main ingredient was cannabis. Cannabis was introduced by to the world by the Scythians. At first they burned the seeds in an enclosed tent. Later they would graduate to smoking and then finally makin an elixir or drink out of it. The scythians went all over the place. They went to Europe, India, Iran and the use of cannabis spread with them. All the while making his argument that cannabis was the ingredient in Soma he goes through the history of how cannabis influenced many civiliations. Among the civilizations are Persia, India, Ancient Israel, Arabic world and european civilization. 

There has been debate that Soma or Haoma was made with Barsom, Ephedra, Cannabis and Amanita Muscaria.  The author desribes the effect of these herbs or substances on the human being and then he describbes the effects of Marijuana.  Over the years the original recipe for Haoma became lost.  there may have been substitutions.  Under Zoraster when he founded Zoroastrainism  began to limit the use of cannabis to the elect priesthood. In the bible the annointing oil may have been cannabis. It was healing and could bring about visions. It was used for annointing as well. Jesus may have imbibed a cannabis mixture before he got crucified. Enough cannabis can make someone appear dead.

buddha himself ate nothing but hemp seeds when fasting. His visions of nirvana may hve been induced by Marijuana. He was also called Saka which is the chinese word for Scythian. In Egypt it is not talked about too much. But it was used in medicine, food making and making clothes. In Greece there ar some mentions of it but not much. I might have been used to help induce vision. Dionysus was first a god of the bud before switching over to wine. In the Islamic world and India fakirs and mystical Islamic sects consumed cannabis to reach their ecstatic states. Hashishim are said to have used hashish to drug new recruits into thinking they had a taste of paradise. they got intoxicated then woke up in a  pleasure garden. Of course no evidence of these pleasure garden.

Cannabis has been used in spiritual system since time immemorial. Slowly the world is waking up to it's value.nabis and the Soma Solution