Saturday, February 18, 2023

The Ancient Art of Sudden Violence

 You are walking down the street and all,of a sudden you are confronted with a violent situation. What do you do ? It is literally fight or flight. Master Greg Jones says make your choice either step in close enough and initiate pre emotive self defense or leave the situation. No point staying in the grey zone waiting for the fighter to strike where you increase your odds of getting hurt. Never know how good your opponent is.

To get you started with defending yourself the author goes through each of the five families. The first family is San Soo is the Tsoy ga family. This is the family is strikes, kicks and punches embracing all combinations there in. The Li Ga family is the family of leverages and throws. The Hoi Ga family deals with pressure points and nerve passes. These pressure points can cause severe pain or crippling. The Fut Ga family deals with fighting psychology breathing and becoming a predatory fighter. Hung Ga is conditioning . These are exercises to increase your personal power.

Master Greg Jones does not advocate taking a stance when confronted with a situation rather he advises you act and act quickly and accurately. Each section on the five families instructs the student on how to use the principle in a self defense situation. The first part tells the student about all the various punches, strikes and kicks in San Soo. Both how to use them and defend against them. The second section tells how to use the leverages and throw but also how to get out of them yourself. I like the third family of pressure point. There is one instance when a subtle bully uses a handshake to over power and humumiliate someone. He tells how to turn the table using a pressure point. The lesson is that you teach people how you will be treated. Don’t let them get one over on you. The psychology part teaches you how to end the fight before it has begun. Sometimes you have to take the initiative.

The author does make a note about teaching children. It is a dangerous world out there and they need to be prepared. Yet how much do you teach them. Teach them too much and they could hurt another kid on the school yard, yet these techniques may save their life. It is a dilemma 

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

From the Islands We Came

 The theories surrounding the advancement and history are numerous. The questions always remain. How did primitive humans manage to build pyramids ? How did they learn so much about the stars? Graham Hancock posits that there was an advanced society located on America that was wiped out  during the younger dryas period by comets or asteroids . Of course this brought up a great flood which is talked about in the worlds mythologies. Other posit that aliens can down to earth and jump started our civization. All that is possible. Yet does that really explain things ?

Academia has done a terrible job. Archaeology is showing that human civilization goes back even further than imagined, possible by hundreds of thousands of years. Yet any piece of evidence that threatens the sacred narrative of human development is shelved or destroyed. Academics do t want to hear it and conspiracy theorists take things way to far.

Archaeologists think everyithing is material and totally avoid the spiritual. They tend to believe that temple are constructed only often a high degree of civilization and sophistication. Goblek Tepi proves them wrong. There is no proof of surrounding civilization rather it is hunter gathers who got together and built it.

What we thought about the development of civilization could be all wrong. It was thought that humans moved from the mainland to island meanwhile archaeologists are getting a different picture. Evidence shows that there was an advanced civilization in Sundalan close to Australia, New Zealand and Indonesia. It was a huge land mass prior to the flooding caused by an Asteroid strike which raised the ocean levels. From there they spread out teaching humanity what they learned.

In conclusion it is fair to say that we do not know everything about history and how humanity developed but the ancient humans were a lot brighter than what we give them credit.