Thursday, August 25, 2022

Mrs. Lucifer


Venus the second planet from the sun. It rises in our morning skies and descend In our evening sky. The ancients thought it was two different stars and the Canaanites viewed it as two different gods. The Greeks called the goddess Venus. But the morning star is recognized as Lucifer. So the Goddess was transformed from her original form into a devil. This happened to many deities. The Goetia is filled with them. The demons used to be pagan deities.

The Devil has several names among them Lucifer and Satan. Lucifer is the light bringer and Satan is the opposer. Two names are not the same being necessarily. Lucifer is a light bringer the enlightener, he is the one who educates mankind and brings them knowledge. He is the snake in the Garden of Eden who tells Adam and Eve to eat the tree of knowledge. Now they are like God knowing good and evil. They are growing up. God wanted us infantile and Lucifer wanted us to grow up.

Luciferian figure appear in all religions. Enki was the one who saved mankind and taught them the sciences. Prometheus gave mankind fire and taught them to use energy. He paid the price for it in tararus. Yet even after the snake or Lucifer was demonized his veneration continued.

Starting with biblical times when Jesus was about it should be known that he was not the only candidate for messiah. Apparently John the Baptist was a contender and was in direct competition to Jesus. The new testament washes over this and makes it like they were allies. Both John and Simon the Magus may have followed the feminine teaching and sacred sex rites that were practiced at the time. Of course we know who won out and the persecution would soon commence.

This gives rise to Gnosticism where In the belief is that an evil deity created this world to trap souls in a material prison. The good god of the universe sent various emissaries to redeem humanity. Amy say it was Jesus there are others who would say Lucifer was sent.

The Cathars were one such group that believed in the gnostic truth. They were persecuted and killed much like a holocaust. Things would then morph into witch hunts. Once again the feminine divine is being persecuted and so is the one who bring us knowledge. Various luciferian lived in Europe and America.

The list goes on to the likes of Leonardo Davinci who was an inventor that had to hide his inventions for fear of the inquisition. He played the biggest joke on the Catholic Church with the Shroud of Turin. Other Luciferians would include occultist like Aleister Crowley and John Dee. Each of these has exciting stories in their own right which will be fun to read up on.

Luciferian and enlightening ideas were spread throughout Europe via the Templars and the Masons. The Templars brought back Gnostic ideas from the Middle East, and though they were falsely accused of devil worship. Yet some of what they were accused of were rituals of Middle Eastern Gnostics many of whom revered John the Baptist. That meant spitting on the cross have and renouncing Christ.

It is the Luciferian principle that keeps us advancing and learning. The Churchianity we know of wants us to stay infantile.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Do You Believe in Monsters

Almost daily people are seeing strange phenomena that cannot be explained.  The anomalies can be described as monsters. Canines that stand upright. Bigfoot chasing people down, invisible monsters and portals. We are talking cryptozoology here. Animals that are not officially recognized by science. Some of these creatures appear and then disappear. Where did they go to and where did they come from?  There are millions of undiscovered species on this planet and scientist are finding new species every day. Some say that the creatures are part physical and part spiritual which gives them the ability to stay hidden from us. Other theories state that there are portals to other dimension and these creatures some how travel though them to our world.

The dogmen are basically humanoid like canines. They show up on people and tend to send psychic messages. While not many have been hurt there have been times when they have delivered a threatening presence.  There are times when the dogmen have chased people in their cars. Others who witness them feel that if situation were different the dogmen would be hunting them down. Many cases have been reported in Wisconsin . There was one instance when a young girl watches a man transform into a dog man. Could be a skin walker or shapeshifter. These are the most frequent sightings.      

The second most frequent are bigfoots. There are seen all over the place. They have been known to hunt deer and throw rocks at people. There have been reports of them appearing suddenly and then disappearing suddenly. Some even speculate that bigfoot might be able to affect the environment around him. Like making one feel fear and controlling the weather. Bigfoot is found almost all over the place.

People have been pursued by invisible beings. All they hear is leaves crunching behind them but never see anything. One person was abducted by invisible dwarves who wanted to kill him but in the end they let him go.          

The author discusses 33 different cases. In many, but not all the areas where these cryptids are found there are often sighting of UFO’s and flashing lights in the sky.       Some of these areas are known to be spooky with green mists rolling around making people sick and messing with the electronics. Thing is no one ever manages to get solid proof and credible people are often ignored or ridiculed.                                                                                                                       



Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Highest Torah


I am not sure if I walked out of this reading encounter with any profound wisdom under my belt but it was an entertaining read. The author out of high school goes to Jerusalem in order to do a million man march on the capital to legalize marijuana. It never happens. The author is on a quest to find the Torah of marijuana. All through the book he points to arguments that justify or at least mildly approve of marijuana usage. Of course there are arguments against it as well which he promptly rebuffs.

While in Israel he falls under the influence of Reb Shlomo Carlebach’s group. Many of them consume marijuana. Some of them even come up wit torah quotes while hi. The author did have issues in high school with laziness and inability to focus . That could have been ADHD. He bounced around from yeshiva to yeshiva. He got booted off his first program for smoking marijuana.

Through out the book he discusses issues that are impacting the Jewish community. Such issues as Zionism vs Anti Zionism, Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people and the divide between the mitnagdim and the chassidim. Plus there is some history thrown in as well.

The author has also studied Terrence McKenna and other ethneogenic gurus and he has a broad spiritual mind. Perhaps for an encore he should write Torah Quotes While Ingesting THC. I also knew some of the people he knew, like Dovid Hertzberg.