Monday, December 21, 2020

Invention of the Palestinians

 Where in history has the nation of the Palestinians ever been mentioned. Certainly not in ancient annals of our before Christ history and certainly not in the anno domini time period. Check the Sumerian, Egyptian,Greek Roman annals and you find no mention of them. You do find notes on the Hebrews, Israelites, Judeans and Jews. 

After the conquest of Judea by the Romans the land was named by the Romans, Phillistine after the phillistines who settled Gaza in biblical times. This was designed to erase the Jewish connection to the land. As Judea was now called Phillistine where did the experts form her boundaries and border. Why from the Bible of course. The Bible also mentions Israelites, judeans and Hebrews but no Palestinians.

Through out history no nation of Palestine has ever been mentioned. There are no famous Palestinians scientists, artists or even Palestinian contribution to society. It seems as though they popped up out of nowhere. Being truthful they kind of did.

The so called Palestine land mass was controlled by different empires through out history. There was no Palestinian government running the land ever. All the historical artifacts are Canaanite , Israelite, Greek Roman, Turkish but not Palestinian. There is Islamic art but that was supplied by Turks or other Muslims. But not Palestinians.

Who are these Palestinians? Where did they come from? After World War 1 the British had control over mandate Palestine. The Zionists were building up the land. These Jews were referred to as Palestinians or Palestinians Jews. Arabs started coming from near by areas to take advantage of the growing economic growth there. While Jewish Nationalism took root and began to grow Arab nationalism grew right along side with it.

Haj Amin Al Husseini drove the fiery rhetoric against the Jews with religiously inspired sermons that spread false information and conspiracy theories about Jews. This lead to fiery attacks against Jews in Israel and allowed for all sorts of terrorist activities. Never once was Palestine mentioned but rather the land was considered part of Syria. There were no Palestinian Arabs at the time. The only Palestinians were Jews. The area if Palestine was part of the Arab nation and it was a sin to let the Jews have a state of their own.

Through out world war 2 the Arabs revolted against the British and attacked the Jews. Their role model was the FLN in Algeria. They adopted FLN tactics used against the French to attack the British and the Jews. These terrorists attacked innocent civilians, women , chidren and their own people.

The book documents world acceptance of Palestinian nationalism and excusing their acts of terror while the Israelis in the media are getting bashed more and more often. Palestinian nationalism crystallizes in the late 60’s and early 70’s.  Leftist ideology embraced Palestinians nationalism and gave it the wording in order to sugar coT it for the world. What was hidden was a fundamentalist pill along the lines of ISIS. 

The book documents the Israeli Arab conflict from beginning to end. Almost every single terror attack by the Palestinians against Israel, Jews and the west is documented. The book will give the reader a full view of the conflict.

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Further Adventures of Utred Ragnarson


The adventures of Utred of Babbenburg continue. Just first after dealing a brutal defeat to the Danes and killing the infamous Ubbe. Utred makes way to his wife and son in Exincestor. That was a mistake as Odar the younger makes off with Ubbe’s banner and claims credit for the victory. Utred does not take this lying down. As a result of his being confrontational in the kings presence over the insult he is forced to do penatence . Some reward for saving king Alfred’s Wessex. After receiving this humiliation at the kings court Utred comes home to a homestead straddled in debt and a thieving worker. Utred kills the worker and refuses to pay the blood price. Utred cannot stay still. After a time him and a guy named Leofric take one of the kings boat and put a Viking mast head on it calling it the “Fire Drakker” one place they Raif is Cornwall. They deceive it Briton king and steal away with Iseult a shadow queen. Soon after arriving at home he is called to the kings Witan. At the gathering Utred is convicted of his crimes and forced to face the invincible Steappa. As the fight commences the Vikings attack again. The town is burning and the king flees into the swamp. What follows are the adventures in Utred helping the king Alfred regain his throne.