My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This book traces the history of Targaryans rule in Westeros. Using such ancient chroniclers as Mushroom, Maister Eustsce and Monke the author weaves a narrative beginning with when the House Targaryans left Valerian and settled in Westeros with a foothold on Dragonstone, an island off Westeros.
Before Aegon the Conqueror United the Seven Kingdoms, they were a warring mass of fighting petty kingdoms. He untitled them all along with his sister brides. Once they all bent the knee, they were allowed to keep their old ways but they had to pay fealty to House Targaryans.
The Targaryans were much different from the rest of the people of Westeros. For one they had the custom of marrying sister to brother.msome thing the Septons of the seven gods did not believe in and found rather sinful. Coming from Valerian they had purple eyes and platinum white hair. The Targaryans were also dragon riders, something else no one could make claim to.
Power struggle were constant. Challenges from Septons and Meisters over religious grownds was constant. They frowned upon incest. The Warriors sons and the Pour soldiers would mount fierce opposition but in the end dragon fire held sway.
Another leader that comes to mind is Maygir the cruel. Known for cruelly crushing any opposition and excessive cruelty towards foes. Under him Kings Landing was built into his royal residence. Jaharris the conciliator used peaceful means and diplomacy to rule his kingdom and co opt the opposition.
Of course during his reign, is when the seeds of civil war were sown. Two branches of the Targaryans go at it. Dragon against Dragon. leadership will change hands and justice will be dealt. Most of the dragons die which sets the stage for the Game of Thrones.
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