Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pillars of Creation

Pillars of Creation
Terry Goodkind, Tor publication

This adventure centers around a young girl named Jensen. Her last name changes constantly as she is one of the ungifted offspring of Darken Rahl and his many affairs. She is Richard Rahl's half sister. The Rahl's had a policy of killing off the ungifted because they not only were devoid of magic but also magic would not work on them. In fact not even prophets could see them in the prophecy. Jensen and her mother had been on thee run for ages staying 10 steps ahead of Darken Rahl's men. Hiding out in the forest they had no idea that Richard Rahl had slain his father and assumed control of the crown. She is also unaware of how different Richard is from his father.

The story opens up with Jensen finding the body of a dead soldier all decked out in the uniform of a Daharan soldier. Out of nowhere comes Sebastian a white haired monk with spikey hair. He comes along in the nick of time and helps her dispose of the body, after all wants Daharan soldiers snooping around. They take the soldiers money and weapons and head off back to Jensen's cabin. They give Sebastian housing in the cave nearby. But soon enough soldiers all decked out in Daharan gear come and slay Jensen's mother.

Jensen resolves to find out the truth and slay Richard Rahl in retaliation for the death of her mother. Sebastian and Jensen set off for the People's Palace in Dahara. Along the way they meet Lathea but she offers no help. She only refers her to Althea the sorceress who helped Jensen and her mother escape from Darken Rahl.

Following close behind is another offspring of Darken Rahl. Ungifted and guided by voices he goes on a killing spree knocking off who ever gets in his way. Oba Rahl is the victim of constant abuse and as many abused children he grows up to bee an abuser himself. He kills Lathea and then later he will kill ALthea after she advises Jensen.

In Dahara they meet up with several adventure including the escape of Sebastian from a Daharan prison. After their escape they make their way over to Jagan and his army who are still trying to conquer the New World. Magic destroys most of Jagangs army. From their they set off to the pillars of creation for the final confrontation. Not everything is as it seems and Jensen is not really such a nice a guy.

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Grimoire for Modern Cunningfolk

A Grimoire for Modern Cunning Folk
Peter Paddon, Pendraig Publishing

Don't know if I would call this book a Grimoire as it seems more like an over view and introductory reading of Traditional Witchcraft. There are non spells in this book or rituals per se. There are meditations and there are discussions on covens and the set up of an altar.

In reality though this book is a primer on CED witchcraft, something which is not mentioned in the book. There is mention of a coven in North Hollywood that the author used to belong to but no where is the name mentioned and no where is the coven leader who taught Peter CED witch craft even mentioned. A bridge has been burned in order to make a place.

I had some reservations about reviewing the book as it does have good information yet the sources are all covered up. That being said I shall launch into a summary of the book.

CED witchcraft really focuses on learning lore and there is also a strong emphasis on working with the ancestors both spiritual and biological. The Deities as the author describes them are both living breathing entities and archetypes that dwell with in the psyche. The most prominent deity is auld hornie, the great honred god of the witches. He is normally embodied in Cernunnos, Odin etc. He is agod of fertility, the dead and is a trickster God. He is the king of the Underworld, the Wild man of the forest.

The Queen of Fate or the White Lady is the mistr4ess of mysteries and only comes around as he needed. She is embodied in the Goddess of Goda. THe Dark mother exists outside the wheel of the year. She is the Goddess of Change and is ussually manifested asw Ceridwen. She exist in the North Eastern quadrant in the Circle.

The Lord and Lady are the deities of Nature most Wiccans are familiar with. They are the heads of the Faerie Court. The Male god is the child of promise, warrior, lover., priest, King and wraith. His life cycle follows the wheel of the year and each of the different goddesses discussed plays a part in the mystery thus far discussed.

Wiccans and cermonials will cast a circle and call their quarters after all Wicca is the daughter magic system of Ceremonial Magic. Instead the Crafters as they are so called will "lay the compass" or "plough the bloody field" The techniques that they use are different. There is a simulation of pushing a bolder or starting in the center and moving out. For each quarter there is a pair of deities that serve as guardians or protectors. There are also 4 points that are combo points like the North East and each of those has their own set of deities. THe author has included a meditation to contact those deities and work with them.

There are many different ways of working with deities. The Wiccan way is to call down the deity and have them momentarily possess you. The CED way is for you to go up to there realm so they can communicate with you and/or possess you. Some times they can come down and you move closer to them until their prescence envelopes you.

To do magic or meditate properly one needs to enter into a trance state of gnosis. This can ber done by various mediation techniques or herbs. The two the author reccomends is mugwort and salvia divinorum. You can burn them as an incence of vaporize teh salvia divinorum. There is also a hmome remdy for making absinthe.

The author also describes the parts or tools of the altar, magicians working tools and how they are used. Meditation techniquwes such as raising your dragon are discussed along with the Traditional Crafter atitude for taking oaths.

I wish I could have given this book a review but proper credits must go to the ones who taught him.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Irish Celtic Mgical Tradition

The Celtic Magical Tradition
Steve Blamires, Thorson's Publishing

Much of what was Celtic life and Druidic wisdom has been lost to us. The Battle of Moytura has been save and translated in this wonderful book. I say wonderful because not only does the author do a great job translating the story but he also gives a great commentary that is truly magickal and he also give practical exercises for the beginning student of magic.
Among the exercises are meditation involving the the cities of origin where the Tuthaa De Dannan learned their magic. There is is also meeting with Deities, setting up your magical space and consecrating your magical weapons. The four weapon of magic are the sword, wand, chalice and the stone. This magical system is easy to comprehend and follow. Thumbs up.
The Fir Bolg were the original inhabitants of Ireland according to myth. The Tuatha De Dannan came over on boats along with the Fomerians conquered Ireland and ended up blending with the Fir Bolg population. In mystical philosophy there are three realms; spiritual,mental and physical. Tuatha De Dannan were spiritual and the Fomerians were mental while the Fir Bolg were physical.
As the Tuatha De Dannan came over they burned their boats leaving no way for them to flee. The Battle was intense the King Nuando lost his hand and had it replaced with a silver hand. What remained of the Fir Bolg united with the Tuatha De Dannan and the Fomerians. However not all of the Fir Bolg remained on Ireland. Several managed to flee to surrounding islands. There were also Fomerians on these islands as well. As a result of being injured Nuando had to step down because an injured or flawed king could not rule the land lest it bring bad luck to the land. The Celtic kings were not absolute rulers the people chose their king and by common consent could have the king step down. Nuando had a silver hand affixed to his wounded arm.
Later in time a Fomerian king would swim across the ocean in silver form and mate with a Tuaatha De Dannan princess. The result would be Bres who would eventually lead the Tuatha De Danaan. He did a bad job as a leader and the people of Ireland had to pay tribute to the Fomerians. Eventually he was asked to step down and Lugh took his place. Bres traveled to the outlying island and got help from the other Fomerians. This would spark Fomerian invasion against Ireland.
The Tuatha De Dannaan fight a pitched and bloody battle aided by strong magic. They were aided by Dagda and his cauldron, the war Goddess Morrigan and Lugh's strong magic.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Masks of Misrule

Masks of Misrule
Nigel Jackson
Capall Bann Publishing

Author Nigel Jackson writes a thorough book about the horned god of Europe and his many facets. The book includes rituals and information on following the horned god that could guide the potential seeker who wishes to follow the spiritual path of the horned god. Of course if you are interested in just the history that is fine too. The book goes beyond the scope of Europe and discusses the Middle Eastern aspects of the horned god. The book covers lots of ground and has excellent information. It's only draw back being no bibliography or foot notes.

The Horned God male counter part to Herodia, Diana and Hekate was worshipped through out Europe under a variety of different names. In Gaul he was called Cernunnos, in Italy and Basque he was called Janus or Janicot. His earliest traces were found in India deep inside a cave. Caves are rather significant to the horned god. It is in caves that the horned god was worshipped by the Shamans and their small group of people who were dressed in stag horns.

The horned god was the one people prayed to because he was in charge of the forest. He dispensed health to the livestock and regulated wealth. People would often leave him offerings of bread an milk to appease him and guruntee their inflow of wealth. The horned god of the forest also had other aspects.One was of sacrifice and the other was of death. He was the escort to the world of the dead.

At the Sabbat of Samhain he would die, his blood shed up on the soil to guaruntee survival and well being of the people. He did it so the people would survive. The Sabbat of Samhain was also a time of Misrule when things wnet in reverse. A tie in between times. It was also during this time that the Horned God became the Lord of the Dead.

As a Lord of the Dead the horned God could be rather frightening. On his wild hunt with baying hounds, geese and white stags would pick up those destined to die. If a human was caught in his way while the wild hunt was on that human risked going insane or dying. WHile as God of the dead he would educate people with his tricks and shennanigans.

During the Yule which in certain parts of Europe was celebrated during December and was the rebirth of the Horned God. This time was total reversal celebrated with servants being waited onby their masters and men dressing up as women. When celebrated as Janus or Janicat consort of Diana the book gives mention of a ritual dacnig around the pole.

As the God is resurrected his bones take on special meaning. Earlier societies would save the bones of the animals they killed anjd color them ochre read. Red the color of blood led to ressurection. THe earlier Shaman had a meditation whe in they imagine demons devouring their flesh down to their bones. The demons were internal.

As a fertility God he wood sometimes take the form of Pan , A greek god who had a ravenous appetite. He also took the form of a woodwose or a Green man and regenerated the vegetation in the forest. Followin the horned God were other Woowoses who were fairy folk some time gren and leafy at other times horned and hairy. They were called Bucwas. THe horned God in England was called Buuca or Puck. THis name has indoeuropean origins.

Middle Eastern theology has fused with the theology of the horned god from Europe. In Jewish traditions a goat was sent off into the desert as a sacrificial offering. Azazel was a rebellious angel falen from heaven. He is described as a goat shaped angel and goes under the name of Iblis in the Arab world. According to the left hand path he is the one who illuminated the intelligence of mankind.

The angels when they fell mated with man kind this mixture gave rise to the ones with witch blood or those from Tubal caine. They were metal worker and magic men. Feared and respected.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Magickal Judaism

Magickal Judaism
Jennifer Hunter
Citadel Press, 2006

An old/New kind of Jew is arising on the Jewish scene, the Jewish Pagan. A Jewish Pagan is someone who combines their Judaism and Paganism is some way or another. Some identify as Pagans of Jewish backgrounds while others bring Pagan practices into their Judaism. Some bring Jewish material into their worship of Pagan Gods/Goddesses.

Jewish Paganism is not entirely new however, the Canaanites were the fore runner of the Israelites. Their Gods included El, Asherah, Baal and Anath. El is the father Gods and is referred to in the Jewish Torah. Ashera was his consort. Jews worshipped Ashera up until the falling of the second temple. The Ancient Israelites were not pure monotheists even though there tribal God was YHVH. YHVH existed along side other deities. It is mentioned in the prophets that the Israelites worshipped Ashtoret the Queen of Heaven and honored Dummuzzi a Babylonian Shepherd God.

Being Paagan and Jewish are not as contradictory as one may think. Many Jews today will adopt Celtic deities and most are predominantly Wiccan. Some of the Wiccns in Israel may be entirely Pagan in many ways but will not touch the Caanaanite Gods. Here is America the story is a bit different.

Some of the most famous Wiccan Jews would include Starhawke,Marion Weinstein and Merlin Stone. These Jews have had a major impact in the shaping of Moden Day Wicca. In fact Jews make up a pretty high percentage of Neo-Pagans. Becoming aa Neo-Pagan is not the same as becoming a Christian or a Muslim both groups which at certain historical junctions have had conflicts with the Jews. Neo Paganism is not antagonistic towards Judaism and both are sort of outsider religions.

The Pagan paths and the Jewish path share many similiarities. Both are concerned primarily with the her and now and creating a sacred space. Both spiritual pursuits lend themselves well to either a solitary or group practice. Both also have a sense of the feminine in the divine although in Modern Orthodox Judaism the trend might be to suppress the femenine side.

Western Occult and magickal traditions use kabbalistic material and inspiration quite freely and Kabbaallah is the bassis for most system of Magick, Wicca included. THere are religious Jews that practice Western Magick.

The author, Jennifer Hunter, has prepared a nifty little book to get the budding magickal Jew started. She covers scholarly material from Raphael Patai and Areyeh Kaplan, two prominent Jewish scholars. Material is also directly quoted from Marion Weinstein and Starhawke. Two Wiccan Jews that have influenced countless Wiccan. Jennifer also interviews some prominent Jewish Pagans active in the community. A nice little bonus are some goodies that aa Jewitch can include in their grimoires. This book is a great starting point to great journey. Happy Trails.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Call of the Horned Piper

Call of the Horned Piper
Nigel Jackson, Capal Bann
April, 1994

This is one of the best books written on the ancient craft of British Traditional Witchcraft. It is perfect for beginners giving them the mythology, symbolism and apt explanations. The book does an excellent job in the few pages allotted of explaining the vampire, werewolf and faery legends. The old religion and it's connection and origin in Indo-European shamanism and lore.

There is good practical instruction for the neophyte to get started. The second half instructs the student on the four  sabbats, four directions and how to cast a circle. I will definitely be putting this information into my book of shadows. It tells about the degree of initiation and the tools of the craft you need and how to sanctify them.

Traditional British Witchcraft differs from Gardnerian Wicca. In Tradition there are 4 Sabbats instead of the Gardnerian 8. The four direction also correspond to different element .

Mr.jachkson makes the explanation simple enough that one can start practicing after reading. Enjoy and Bright Blessing.

The Twentieth Century has drawn to close and with it’s demise ends the era of religious domination over the human psyche. The power of Judeo Christian ideology wanes. With it’s waning comes the return of the old ways which were suppressed. There is an upsurge in academic and spiritual interest of the old ways. People are reacquainting themselves with the old ways.

The origin of the word witch comes from the Indo-European word Witcce or Wicce which meant wizard or sorcerer. These people were Shamanistic and could trance out into other worlds. These were people who could bend reality.

It must be surmised that Indo Europeans Tribes coming from the Don River and moved west brought with them the concept of the Queen Goddess and the horned God. Their religious idea and those of ancient Europe merged.

The Catholic Church tried to convert the entire continent of Europe by doing a top down conversion strategy. The clergy sought to convert the kings, warlord and soldiers, but the populace remained true to the old ways and the practices became underground. 

The 1488 Papal Bull stigmatized the old religion and associated it’s practice with Satan worship. The followers of the old ways were branded as anti-social and deviants. Practitioners of the old ways wee deemed as a threat to the church. The punishments at first were rather mild . Such punishments included fines, mild imprisonment and maybe floggings.

In the 17th Century things began to get worse. The Puritan ideology held sway over Britain and Europe. The Puritan ideology dampened expressions of joy and stressed hard work. This ethic suited the Puritans well as they started to become landowner they used their ideology to subjugate the populace. The joyous ways of the old religion were a threat to them both ideologically and economically. The penalties for following the old religion became more severe and culminated with burning and hanging. The Old Ways were driven further underground.

Those who are interested in the Old Ways are blessed with a multitude of material that is now available. Dr. Margaret Murray explored the feminine side of the old religion. Gerald Gardner publicized an altered view of the craft while Robert Cochrane revealed the craft but obscured it with many other trappings.

The Shaman of the old ways strives to bring the different world closer together back to their primordial state where man and animal were able to communicate. The worlds were also closer together and men could communicate with spirit being as the spiritual worlds were much closer.

Thinking of the old ways a certain image comes to mind. The witch and her broom. She exits out her hut she sings a hymn and dances a bit. She smears an ointment on herself that enable her spirit to leave her body. It is said that such women could turn themselves into owls or cats even. Hares are also associated with witches and were also associated with the wild hunt. Such women were said to be in league with the witch Goddess SDiana or Herodias.

The Broom handle they flew on contained some significant mystical meanings. The broom handle was made of ash and signified air. This enabled the witch to reach the realms of Aesir. Willow withies bound the brush of the broom and it’s symbolism was of water which had to be crossed if she was to reach the realm of death and wisdom. Birch twigs signified the White Lady which was a return to innocence and purity so sought after.

In Siberia the Shamans rode out on a wooden hobby horse that was smeared with horse blood. This enabled them to travel to different realms, The legend seems to have spread to other parts of Europe like Scottland and Scandinavia. In these countries the witches would ride on different kinds of sticks but they would be referred to as some kind of horse.

The Broomstick was always symbolic. The Churchmen who devised to malign the old religion sought to make into something of physical levitation. The broom was a mystical tool to enter the realms of Herodias and taste the deep mysteries of her cauldron.

As far back as the 10th century Frankish clerics told tales of women flying with Herodia or Diana. Such tales are noted in the book "Romance of the Rose" with regards to women flying with the witch goddess. In Northern Europe it is Hulda who leads these ferocious hordes from the time of Samhain to Yule. Frau Hulda/ Freya is the Earth mistress the one controlling life and death.

Dame Hela is referred to by a German herbalist. Dame Hela taught him all that he knew about herbs. He would travel to the Mountain of Venus 4 times a year. To learn this knowledge. Dame Hela is beautiful to look at from the front but looks like rotted wood from the back. At this mountain of Venus is a gateway to the other world called Hurselburgh.

The Tale of Tanhauser tell of a knight or Troubador who travels to Hurselburgh. There he meets Elfflame the Faerie Queen who teacher him mysticism and gives him inspiration.

The Earth Mother the one who controls life and death is associated with snow. In Siberia the clan mother makes snow. Freya who is associated with mother goose has snowflakes coming from her outfit. When the Shamans had their mystical flight they were often associated with the goose.

In the 15th century Agnes Gerhard admitted to using an ointment that would help her fly through the sky like a goose. The ointment was made of lard, eggs and hallucinogenic herbs. The Styrian witches would gather the appropriate herb that corresponded to the day of the proper heathen god. This would help to empower the salve.

An important persons wife was arrested based on the fact that she flew to Unterberg. She flew to Venus Hill with Herodias and in the Mountain she cavort with wodwives and mountain dwarves.

Animals such as cats and hares ae associated with Freya as they often accompany her when she hunts. They have the ability to communicate with otherworldy being such as elves. The cult o Freya and the Seidre still managed to survive long after Christianity became the dominant religion. A correspondance to her in the British Isles is with the Faerie Queen Elf Flame.

Auld Hornie or the Dark Horned God is mentioned in The Trial of Aberdeen witches. They met the old horned god when he was in the form of a stag. THe archetypal horned God is the deity of fertility,death and exctasy. The Horned God is called Vindona and Guy ap Nudd.

The horne God is the Master of the hunt at the winters beginning and he is often times accompanied by stags, hounds, ravens and snow geese. The horned god has the name of aud scrat which has a meaning of woodose or wood daemon.

The God of the Hunt, Woden in Germanic Lore, comes from the Indo European word Watanos. Watano translated to our language means the "furious one" THe furious one would grant Shamans their excstatic vision. THis would enable the Shaman to prophecy. Tutursel the owl would announce the coming of Woden.

When Woden hunted in the wood he would always take the same paths. These were called Ghost paths and people avoided them at all costs lest they be driven insane or taken away. Even houses were built in a way so as not too interfer with the wild hunt. Legend always has Woden accomplanied by Black hell hounds and stags and it occurred ussually at Imbolc or Candlemass. It is said that even the dogs sometimes had horns. To this day seeing black hound signifies death.
In traditional British witchcraft A forked Ash Staff represented the Horned God and was ussually placed in the North to act as a guardian of the portal to the other world. Sometimes it was given antler and a linen robe.
The horned God would escort the dead to the uncderworld. THere is a Siberian God who did much the same and would chain people to a tree. Tungas or Siberain Shamans wore antler horns. The aspect of death cannot de denied.

During the Sabbats the witches would ride broomsticks, pitchforks animals etc and fly to dance with the God and Goddess. It was a time when animal spirits and humam spirits could commune The Sabbats were a sort of twilight time and served as gateways into another realm of consiousness Out in the field they would dance.

In Italy the striga would ask to be taken away to the benevento tree. They were commanded by the Goddess to "Domina Ludi" Mistress of the game. toplay Benevento.
An anecdote of a witches trial in 1669 after theri annointed journey they called upon the horned god three times. " Antessor come carry us to Blockola" The word Antessor comes from the word "Ansar" meaning divinity. In their supposed activities the witches flew to Black Peak and frolicked with the horned one.

In Saga THorenstein the hero flew to the underworld on a gandr or staff and stole jewlry from the kings of the underworld. This is very similiar to the Shamanic joureny wehre in the traveller travels to the underworld and comes back with jewels and wisdom.
During the Sabbats light is sought from the darkeness. In the Esoteric lore the underworld is reverse of everything here. Hecne during the celebrations prayers will be said backward and the witches dance widdershins.

While i communion with the Goddess on Venus mountain the Goddess teaches her followers magic and wisdom. There is also coupling with the deities. THe horned god is reperesent ed bu a skull and phallus. During the procession the Dark Horned God will be represented by taper candles that emit blue smoke. Sometimes the taper was placed on the middle part of the horned god's head. A sacred wine is drunk which supposedly consisted of wine and crows blood. Drinking it gave te drinker magical powers. Ceridewens coffin was associated with this and it was the cauldron that broght rebirtha dn it fermented wisdom. It was heated by sacred Seid fire which associated with Freya.

The devils mark which witch hunter made much a do about. Often it was left on the hand and was a red, black or blue mark . It can be left anywhere on the body. Witch hunters thought it was left with teeth or claws. Some times the mark took the form of a sigil or animal. Cernunnos left a rat shaped mark.

The witches familiar was inferred upon the novice upon being initiated a novice. The animal helped the witch do their magic. Sometimes the familiar dwelt within the witch it could be evoked at will. The cat was associated with Freya and the fae in Celtic lore. The cat had eyes that dilate with the fazes of the moon. The hare was associated with fertility and moon fazes. The horned god was master of the forest. He commanded the animal's every action. He also controlled fertility and wealth. Peolpe left him offering.

Toads held a special place in which lore. They could live underground as well as above ground. Like shaman they could travel to the underworld and back. Toad blood and skin secretion has hallucinogenic properties used in flying ointment. The Toadmen would put. A dead toad on an anthill. Later they would float the bones down a stream. The screaching bone was there's and it was magic. The horned god tried to trick the bearer into giving it up. Toadmen were still around in 1938.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tradition Kept

Tradition Kept
Robert T. Anderson, Terry Giles
Baker Academic, 4/01/2005

The Samaritans or Northern Israelite, who claim descent from the tribes of Ephraim and Menasseh, have had a seperate literary tradition alongside their Jewish bretheren that stems from the Torah. Their pentateuch or first five books of Moses is almost the same as the pentateuch of the Jews. THe first chapter of the book identifies and analyzes the 4 sources of the Bible. The book of E or Elohim, the book of J or Yahweh, the priestly source and the Northern source. The Samaritan version comes from the Northern source. The Samaritans also have a book of Joshua but it is way different from the book of Joshua the Jews use. The Samaritan book of Joshua traces the history of Mose's passing and Joshua's ascencion to leadership. The book discusses the wars of the Israelite conquest of Canaan and beyond. Much the same as the one used by the Jews but there are many differences. The Samaritans do not believe that Jerusalem is the Holy Place for the children of Israel. They believe that Mount Gerizim is the Holy Place where the Tabernacle or Holy Ark belongs.
The book of Joshua is also the book of History of the Samaritans.

According to Samaritan theology, historiography and mythology. The time of Judges was really a time of divine favor for the Israelites and the judges were in fact kings of Israel. These were good times for the nation of Israel. But then things went sour. The Israelite strayed. The first to stray was Eli the priest. He erred by establishing a false temple in Shiloh . THe Israelites also erred in the acceptance of foreign idols. The Nation was divided and had sinned. The High Priest found a cave in Mount Gerizim and hid the temple artifacts their. Later on the Kingdoms of the north and south would divide even further with Rehoboam leading the south and Jereboam leading the North. Jereboam would cause further division by setting up a temple at Bethel and having the ISraelites worship idol their. Interesting to note that Samuel the prophet is described as a sorcerer and magician and the Davidic line is described as sinful and errant.

Further on in History the Greeks would take over the country. To placate Alexander the Samaritans would name all their children after Alexander instead of placing idols in sanctuary and bowing to them. THe Roman would persecute them as would the Byzantine Greeks. Baba Raba was the Samaritan Leader who devised a scheme to defeat the copper owl placed on Gerizim  by the Byzantines to prevent the Samaritans from ascending the mountain. Baba Raba sent his nephew to learn in the seminaries of the Christian Byzantines as a ploy to figure out how to defeat the copper owl. The nephew eventually rose to rank of Bishop. It was while leading a group of Christians that the nephew ascended the mountain and destroyed the owl. A great slaguhter ensued and Baba Raba was eventually held as a royal hostage in Byzantium never to return to his native land. He was buried in a synagogue that was later converted to a church.

Tradition kept analyzes the varuious works of literature important to the Samaritans. Such works include Abul Fathi, Tibat Maqare and Asatir book. Also examine are the liturgy and amulet making procedure. For understanding the Samaritans this book essential.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Old Ways of Europe

The Twentieth Century has drawn to close and with it’s demise ends the era of religious domination over the human psyche. The power of Judeo Christian ideology wanes. With it’s waning comes the return of the old ways which were suppressed. There is an upsurge in academic and spiritual interest of the old ways. People are reacquainting themselves with the old ways.

The origin of the word witch comes from the Indo-European word Witcce or Wicce which meant wizard or sorcerer. These people were Shamanistic and could trance out into other worlds. These were people who could bend reality.

It must be surmised that Indo Europeans Tribes coming from the Don River and moved west brought with them the concept of the Queen Goddess and the horned God. Their religious idea and those of ancient Europe merged.

The Catholic Church tried to convert the entire continent of Europe by doing a top down conversion strategy. The clergy sought to convert the kings, warlord and soldiers, but the populace remained true to the old ways and the practices became underground.

The 1488 Papal Bull stigmatized the old religion and associated it’s practice with Satan worship. The followers of the old ways were branded as anti-social and deviants. Practitioners of the old ways wee deemed as a threat to the church. The punishments at first were rather mild . Such punishments included fines, mild imprisonment and maybe floggings.

In the 17th Century things began to get worse. The Puritan ideology held sway over Britain and Europe. The Puritan ideology dampened expressions of joy and stressed hard work. This ethic suited the Puritans well as they started to become landowner they used their ideology to subjugate the populace. The joyous ways of the old religion were a threat to them both ideologically and economically. The penalties for following the old religion became more severe and culminated with burning and hanging. The Old Ways were driven further underground.

Those who are interested in the Old Ways are blessed with a multitude of material that is now available. Dr. Margaret Murray explored the feminine side of the old religion. Gerald Gardner publicized an altered view of the craft while Robert Cochrane revealed the craft but obscured it with many other trappings.

The Shaman of the old ways strives to bring the different world closer together back to their primordial state where man and animal were able to communicate. The worlds were also closer together and men could communicate with spirit being as the spiritual worlds were much closer.

Thinking of the old ways a certain image comes to mind. The witch and her broom. She exits out her hut she sings a hymn and dances a bit. She smears an ointment on herself that enable her spirit to leave her body. It is said that such women could turn themselves into owls or cats even. Hares are also associated with witches and were also associated with the wild hunt. Such women were said to be in league with the witch Goddess SDiana or Herodias.

The Broom handle they flew on contained some significant mystical meanings. The broom handle was made of ash and signified air. This enabled the witch to reach the realms of Aesir. Willow withies bound the brush of the broom and it’s symbolism was of water which had to be crossed if she was to reach the realm of death and wisdom. Birch twigs signified the White Lady which was a return to innocence and purity so sought after.

In Siberia the Shamans rode out on a wooden hobby horse that was smeared with horse blood. This enabled them to travel to different realms, The legend seems to have spread to other parts of Europe like Scottland and Scandinavia. In these countries the witches would ride on different kinds of sticks but they would be referred to as some kind of horse.

The Broomstick was always symbolic. The Churchmen who devised to malign the old religion sought to make into something of physical levitation. The broom was a mystical tool to enter the realms of Herodias and taste the deep mysteries of her cauldron.

As far back as the 10th century Frankish clerics told tales of women flying with Herodia or Diana. Such tales are noted in the book "Romance of the Rose" with regards to women flying with the witch goddess. In Northern Europe it is Hulda who leads these ferocious hordes from the time of Samhain to Yule. Frau Hulda/ Freya is the Earth mistress the one controlling life and death.

Dame Hela is referred to by a German herbalist. Dame Hela taught him all that he knew about herbs. He would travel to the Mountain of Venus 4 times a year. To learn this knowledge. Dame Hela is beautiful to look at from the front but looks like rotted wood from the back. At this mountain of Venus is a gateway to the other world called Hurselburgh.

The Tale of Tanhauser tell of a knight or Troubador who travels to Hurselburgh. There he meets Elfflame the Faerie Queen who teacher him mysticism and gives him inspiration.

The Earth Mother the one who controls life and death is associated with snow. In Siberia the clan mother makes snow. Freya who is associated with mother goose has snowflakes coming from her outfit. When the Shamans had their mystical flight they were often associated with the goose.

In the 15th century Agnes Gerhard admitted to using an ointment that would help her fly through the sky like a goose. The ointment was made of lard, eggs and hallucinogenic herbs. The Styrian witches would gather the appropriate herb that corresponded to the day of the proper heathen god. This would help to empower the salve.

An important persons wife was arrested based on the fact that she flew to Unterberg. She flew to Venus Hill with Herodias and in the Mountain she cavort with wodwives and mountain dwarves.

Animals such as cats and hares ae associated with Freya as they often accompany her when she hunts. They have the ability to communicate with otherworldy being such as elves. The cult o Freya and the Seidre still managed to survive long after Christianity became the dominant religion. A correspondance to her in the British Isles is with the Faerie Queen Elf Flame.

Auld Hornie or the Dark Horned God is mentioned in The Trial of Aberdeen witches. They met the old horned god when he was in the form of a stag. THe archetypal horned God is the deity of fertility,death and exctasy. The Horned God is called Vindona and Guy ap Nudd.

The horne God is the Master of the hunt at the winters beginning and he is often times accompanied by stags, hounds, ravens and snow geese. The horned god has the name of aud scrat which has a meaning of woodose or wood daemon.

The God of the Hunt, Woden in Germanic Lore, comes from the Indo European word Watanos. Watano translated to our language means the "furious one" THe furious one would grant Shamans their excstatic vision. THis would enable the Shaman to prophecy. Tutursel the owl would announce the coming of Woden.

When Woden hunted in the wood he would always take the same paths. These were called Ghost paths and people avoided them at all costs lest they be driven insane or taken away. Even houses were built in a way so as not too interfer with the wild hunt. Legend always has Woden accomplanied by Black hell hounds and stags and it occurred ussually at Imbolc or Candlemass. It is said that even the dogs sometimes had horns. To this day seeing black hound signifies death.
In traditional British witchcraft A forked Ash Staff represented the Horned God and was ussually placed in the North to act as a guardian of the portal to the other world. Sometimes it was given antler and a linen robe.
The horned God would escort the dead to the uncderworld. THere is a Siberian God who did much the same and would chain people to a tree. Tungas or Siberain Shamans wore antler horns. The aspect of death cannot de denied.

During the Sabbats the witches would ride broomsticks, pitchforks animals etc and fly to dance with the God and Goddess. It was a time when animal spirits and humam spirits could commune The Sabbats were a sort of twilight time and served as gateways into another realm of consiousness Out in the field they would dance.

In Italy the striga would ask to be taken away to the benevento tree. They were commanded by the Goddess to "Domina Ludi" Mistress of the game. toplay Benevento.
An anecdote of a witches trial in 1669 after theri annointed journey they called upon the horned god three times. " Antessor come carry us to Blockola" The word Antessor comes from the word "Ansar" meaning divinity. In their supposed activities the witches flew to Black Peak and frolicked with the horned one.

In Saga THorenstein the hero flew to the underworld on a gandr or staff and stole jewlry from the kings of the underworld. This is very similiar to the Shamanic joureny wehre in the traveller travels to the underworld and comes back with jewels and wisdom.
During the Sabbats light is sought from the darkeness. In the Esoteric lore the underworld is reverse of everything here. Hecne during the celebrations prayers will be said backward and the witches dance widdershins.

While i communion with the Goddess on Venus mountain the Goddess teaches her followers magic and wisdom. There is also coupling with the deities. THe horned god is reperesent ed bu a skull and phallus. During the procession the Dark Horned God will be represented by taper candles that emit blue smoke. Sometimes the taper was placed on the middle part of the horned god's head. A sacred wine is drunk which supposedly consisted of wine and crows blood. Drinking it gave te drinker magical powers. Ceridewens coffin was associated with this and it was the cauldron that broght rebirtha dn it fermented wisdom. It was heated by sacred Seid fire which associated with Freya.